Côte d'Azur,...its a rough life.

As you can guess...I made my flight.. & spent a couple of GLORIOUS days in Cannes... the Côte d'Azur... working my tail off. ( I just like saying... Côte d'Azur ... makes me feel so FRENCH ...) It has been 10 years since my last trip to the French Rivera..makes me wonder why I don't do it more often.. ahem... I could SOOOO live there..sigh... The entire trip was FABULOUS.. even if it was spent running like a crazy girl.. I loved every min. of it. I brought 6 pairs of shoes for three days... & still came home with my feet being a complete wreck... blisters, blisters, & more blisters.... Didn't help that I was the only girl in the gang & none of the lads understood that running through Cannes in stilettos at 2 am was probably NOT a good idea... but I sucked it up.. and ran with the big dogs... Highlight of the trip? Partying like a rock star on top of 1835 White Palm Hotel .. wow wow wow... little ol' me.. The soirée wa...