Kids Weekend away... Prekestolen

Just thought I would share some pictures of the kids weekend with their daddy...

I was stuck working all weekend..but Bjørn did a fabulous job of keeping the kids busy during their fall break.

He threw the camping gear in the back of the van & headed south...

First stop Kristiansand ... this is a BIG summer holiday place..  turns out to be pretty nice in the fall as well...
They have a zoo.. not sure if this is the only Zoo in Norway...but Bjørn said it was nice.. much nicer than the Kansas City Zoo.. (which I think is the only zoo our children have been to)

Added bonus.. there was an indoor water park... have I mentioned both or our children were born with finns? - they are total water babies...

Bjørn didn't take any pictures for fear of not having a battery for when they arrived to Prekestolen.. (eye roll..) - so glad he reserved the battery for all 10 pictures he took..
Lets face it... he is more fun.. but I am WAY better at playing photographer.

Next day, they made there way over to PREKESTOLEN..
& despite the 4 hour hike... the kids still loved it..
Preikestolen or Prekestolen, also known by the English translations of Preacher's Pulpit or Pulpit Rock, and by the old local name Hyvlatonnå, is a massive cliff 604 metres (1982 feet) above Lysefjorden, opposite the Kjerag plateau, in Forsand, Ryfylke, Norway. The top of the cliff is approximately 25 by 25 metres (82 by 82 feet) square and almost flat, and is a famous tourist attraction in Norway.
I could just GOBBLE these two up....

The family had a great time.. & promised they would take me along next time.. (thanks guys...)


Ashley Sisk said…
The last view is incredible. Wow!
MommyLisa said…
It is really pretty - but ACK! I am afraid of heights.
Julie H said…
It's beautiful but I'd be freaking out about my kids being up there!!
Robbi said…
Gorgeous pictures and weather! I'm so glad your family had a good time. It's a nice ending to høstferie.
Connie said…
Such beautiful pictures and kids!
Lisa said…
Will they take me along next time too? ;)
It looks like they were having a great time :).
Great shots- what a beautiful area!
Anonymous said…
Wow, they are so beautiful and so is the place! Can't wait to go there ourselves, but guess it'll have to wait 'till next year. Thanks for sharing!
Matt5verse6 said…
What beautiful pictures. Dropping by from SITS to say, "Happy Tuesday, SITStah!" How do you like Norway? Do you mainly blog about life there? It sounds very interesting. I used to know a few gymnasts from Norway. They were super nice. :) Wishing you and your family all the best.

Kindest regards,

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