I had a good day.. :-)

Sigh.... yesterday was a really R E A L L Y good day.

Nothing special really....

Bjørn took the babies on a road trip for the weekend...
The plan was to head down towards to Stavanger & go to Prekestolen...   the family promised me, if it is as good as it looks... we will do another road trip together.

Bjørn is such a good daddy.. always finding something fun to do..

Yesterday I was on my own... day off of work.
Hubby & kids gone.  No ONE needing anything.. sigh..

I was going to go into the office & catch up on paperwork... but decided to take advantage of the beautiful FALL weather.

I have been so preoccupied as of late.. I hadn't even noticed the fall colors on the trees...

So I hopped in the car.. driving through the country side.. & ended up at Norways idea of "OUTLET MALL" .. woo hoo...  pretty nice I admit.. actually much nicer then the American outlet malls I have been to.. but remember this is Norway.. so the prices are FAAARRRR from American outlets.. HA.

I took my time..going through the stores... & ended up buying a new outfit for my trip to Cannes,France  in less then 2 WEEKS.. (hoo woo)

Made it home.. skipped dinner, threw on my sweats & curled up on the couch to watch TRASH TV-

Ended up SKYPING with old friends for several hours...

HEAVEN... crawled into bed & slept..oh so well....

Popped up at 5 am this morning ready to take on the world. :-)


Leslie Harris said…
Hi! I'm visiting from the Hippo Tribe! What lovely pictures you have on this blog. :) Can't wait to read more about your life in Norway.
Anonymous said…
I went to Preikestolen in August while we were visiting Norway. It is AMAZING. I highly recommend you join your hubby and kids next time! Dangling my legs over the edge was probably the scariest thing I've ever done, but I have an amazing picture to prove how brave I was!
Sophie said…
Sounds like bliss! I have some Norwegian friends who live in Hommersak so right near you! I'll send them your blog address! Great to meet you, I'm just stopping by from the SITs Hippo tribe! I've only been to Norway once but it always looks stunning! Sooo envious!
Great to meet you,
Now that sounds like a great day to me! :)
Janet said…
Stopping by from the SITS Flipper tribe. I'm an American, and I've thought about moving to Denmark, so I'm interested to keep reading about your experiences in Norway.
Lin said…
What a great day! I think everyone deserves some "me" time & shopping is always a good way to go.

Stopping by from your tribe :)
Frizzy said…
Sounds like a perfect mommy day. I hope you took more wonderful photos like that barn a few years back. LOVE IT and it's still on my wall.
absolutely love your blog! Norway is such a beautiful country! My husband and i would love to live abroad one day! I'm visiting from SITS, I think we're part of the same tribe! have a happy day!
Robbi said…
I'm so glad you had a wonderful day and took advantage of the beautiful weather.

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