At a loss...

I am having a tough time blogging...  I am at a loss for words..

There is a lot going on in my life at the moment ...
so many posts I continue to "write" in my head...
I just can't get them on to the screen...

Posts about loss.. posts about the good things happening...
reviews of products..what I am lovin..hate-in..
upcoming trips... England/France
if I wrote about everything happening in my life...
I may look a little crazy...

My life at the moment is hopping all over the place...
 I guess the best way to explain what is going on is just to throw it out there
& not worry about how it all mixes on the screen.

Three weeks ago I lost a friend from college in Afghanistan.

Two weeks ago Bjørns family was touched by tragedy..
His cousin, her husband &a their two children were killed in a horrible accident.
The family went away for a fun family weekend... just about an hour away....
They were camping & there was a gas leak in the van..
This past week we buried them. 
two families came together in a church...her family & his ... two schools for a 13 & a 16 year old.. and entire community..over 600 people showed up at the church.
I just sat there...taking it all in... feeling guilty about all of my blessings.. feeling horrible to be witnessing all of this sadness...this tragedy..
This was a a week of firsts for me... first time I have been at a child's funeral. (2 children) .a families funeral..a Norwegian funeral. 
I have been living in a bubble...a haze if you will..for the last few weeks....
trying not to think about how fragile life is... & the "what ifs"...
it can make a girl/mother/wife go CRAZY.
I am a guilty, worrier by nature (sound like a blast don't I?)
The events of the past few weeks have been making my worry more than usual... it is getting tougher for me to pretend to be "normal" ..
what I would like to do is keep my kids/family inside to keep them safe...
but alas..I can't.  
- Bjørn is taking the kids away for the weekend..(fall break)
- & I have 5 years worth of work to do in the next few days...  
While they are away.. I plan on working 12 hour days &
then CRASHING & trying to get a little me time in the evening....
I want to get back to writing... taking pictures... getting back to the old me.. 
So forgive me if my posts over the next few weeks..tend to be hoping from one thing to the next...
differences between Norwegian-American funerals..
 to finding (or not) the perfect little black dress for Cannes... 
 (this is all of the crazy stuff going through my head...)


My thoughts are with you and your family. It's so tragic and my heart aches for the loss. I hope you find your way back to all that brings you happiness. ((hugs))
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's passing as well as the loss of family members. That's a lot ot take in!

A blog is a blog. It will be here, ready and waiting when you come back! :)
MoMo 2.0 said…
What a terrible tragedy for your family to go through , but what an outpouring of love and support from the community.......

Thinking of you.....
Unknown said…
Stay solid, break down, do whatever you need to do without shame or guilt. You will still be there on the other end and things will get better.

Thoughts are with you.

Rik & Ingrid.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. Take a break from blogging - don't work too crazily - and give yourself some time to REST. Let yourself feel the grief - it has to come out in order for you to start feeling better.
rach said…
I am so sorry for your loss. That is such a shock and I know that must be so overwhelming now. I'm keeping you, bjorn and your family in my thoughts.
becky s said…
My heart goes out to you and your family. So sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
Oh my. That is truly terrible news. I'm so sorry when stuff like that has to come so close to home. Not much more to say. Bless.
hexe said…
Please accept my condolences on such a tragic loss. I wish there were words that could offer some peace.
Michelle said…
I know there is nothing anyone can say, but know that my thoughts are with your family. What an awful tragedy.
trininista said…
hey...visiting from SITS/Hippo tribe. So sorry so much has been happening in your life but you have a lot of love and blessings heading your way from so many channels. Take care.
Anonymous said…
Visiting from the SITS/Flipper tribe. This is so sad. We are feeling creatures--losses like this affect us, and you don't have to pretend you are "normal"--you *are* a normal, feeling, human being.
No Longer 25 said…
Visiting to welcome you to the Flipper tribe. I love your blog header it is wonderful!

I'm so sorry to hear about your losses and everything going on for you. I hope it all brightens up soon - you deserve some good new.
Robbi said…
I'm so sorry about your recent losses. I'm thinking of you and your family, and of your friend and his family.

I'm so sorry to hear about Bjørn's cousin. Be strong my friends x
I'm so sorry to hear about Bjørn's cousin. Be strong my friends x

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