On my way to France... Maybe..

Ya... I SHOULD be in bed right about now..so that I can be ready to leave my house tomorrow at 3:30---for my E A R L Y  a.m. flight to FRANCE.

Um..ya.. still not sure I will be able to fly tomorrow because of the strike going on...
COME ON PEOPLE:....  Tressa needs to get to the South of France ..like NOW...

I am TOTALLY cool if I have to get stuck in Cannes for the weekend.. but not really sure that wil happen...

Cross your fingers for me... if you don't hear from me for a few days... I made it...

If I don't make it? I will post once I unpack my suitcases & stop crying... :-(


Tezzie said…
Hope you end up getting to go...sounds fabulous!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you :D
Frizzy said…
I hope you made it and all went well. We really enjoyed Southern France last summer. Where are you headed?
Robbi said…
Lykke til og god reiser!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Fingers crossed!!! Hope you are eating a croissant right about now!
Corinne said…
Hope you were able to go! A little bit jealous as it is BLOODY cold right now. Soak it up, and post lots of pictures!
Sarah Oldham said…
Crossing my fingers for you, even though I'm on HI time (wayyyyy behind your clocks).
viviene said…
i wonder if you are there already! i will pray for you now!
The housewife said…
Hope you have a wonderful time my friend. With Corinne on this one - Can't wait to see the pictures. Caroline
Anonymous said…
Seems like you made it ;) All those strikes in France are actually completely annoying, they almost consider it part of their culture. Those strikes against the presidents retirement reforms are something completely different of course.

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