Côte d'Azur,...its a rough life.

As you can guess...I made my flight.. & spent a couple of GLORIOUS days in Cannes...
the Côte d'Azur... working my tail off.( I just like saying...Côte d'Azur... makes me feel so FRENCH...)

It has been 10 years since my last trip to the French Rivera..makes me wonder why I don't do it more often.. ahem... I could SOOOO live there..sigh...

The entire trip was FABULOUS.. even if it was spent running like a crazy girl.. I loved every min. of it.

I brought 6 pairs of shoes for three days... & still came home with my feet being a complete wreck... blisters, blisters, & more blisters....

Didn't help that I was the only girl in the gang & none of the lads understood that running through Cannes in stilettos at 2 am was probably NOT a good idea... but I sucked it up.. and ran with the big dogs...

Highlight of the trip?
Partying like a rock star on top of 1835 White Palm Hotel..    wow wow wow...  little ol' me..

The soirée was hosted by a champagne company... which meant there was Champagne & CHOCOLATE flowing the entire night...
(every girls fantasy ..no?)  added bonus... the adorable French bartenders & their fire cocktails....Lucky girl that I am with my adorable four dates.... (number 4 is taking the picture)

To say that I was sad to get on the plane was an understatement... lets hope I get to go back next year... :-)


Rachel said…
Sounds like a blast! Lucky girl indeed!
Frizzy said…
Do you think you could invite a few of us to come along next year? Promise not to slow you down. LOL
Anonymous said…
Omg, you really live that fabulous life?? ;) I hope I'll be at a comparable point somewhen in my life ;) any tipps or tricks? :D
Sounds like that trip was perfect and maybe a ton of people already said that, but you look awesome in that pic!
Enjoy the rest of your sunday and thanks for stopping by :)
Unknown said…
cirquedemoi.... ohh how I love thee... :-)
Lisa said…
What kind of job do you have and how do I get me one of those?!?!
Brenda Chabot said…
So glad you made it !!

Sounds amazing - my kind of business trip.

By the way - do you know when the House Hunters International airing?

I would love to see it.

I wanted to share that little old private me has just started a blog, ( I am a little nervous - being so private) but am doing it under my business name:

Here we go - wish me luck !!

Chelsea said…
You really make me laugh. I'm so glad your trip was a great one. I was looking forward to hearing how it went! Looking forward to actually meeting you one of these days :)
Urban Earthworm said…
I am sooo jealous. First, I was just jealous that you live in Norway - but now I'm also jealous of that awesome vacation! Glad I can at least read about it!
Anonymous said…
Så fint bilde av deg! :-)
Anonymous said…
ohhhh, memories!! While Scott and I were expats in England, we celebrated our 10 yr anniversary. I *insisted* we celebrate in Cote D'Azur!! It was undeniably fabulous. I have such great memories!!! Glad you enjoyed yourself! Cheers!
Kelly said…
So jealous ;) I'm glad you had such a great time!! XXOO
fabulous location! 4 dates and an evening drinking champagne on the Cote d'Azur? You go, girl ;-)
DianeCA said…
Ahhh the luxurious life of the jet set!! Looks fabulous! Just keep that chocolate fountain away from me, I gain wait just looking at it!
OMG girlfriend! That looks amazing and you look gorgeous! xx
Eve said…
Laural Out Loud said…
There's nothing like a little vacation to make everything better again! Even one night away for me is restorative. But, GIRL, what I wouldn't give for a restorative trip to the French Rivera!! Glad you had such a great time :)
cat said…
Ooh chocolate, champagne and charming french men. A dream come true.

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