Ouch.. 15 min.. can be pretty painful.
Wow... my 15 min of "fame" has brought some unexpected surprises... Who knew there so many people out there IRRITATED not only by me on the HHI.. but by the way I write. Some TV forum sites have linked to my blog... I found a site with comment. after. comment. after. comment. basically saying what a bitch I am.. how we had to go $200.000 over budget to accommodate my requests for stupid things like a garbage disposal.. air conditioning etc.. Really, I know I shouldn't take all of this personally..but .. well.. I do. Some of the "best" comments were things like... I was 40 years old & I needed to get over leaving my parents... what about HIS family?.. my POOR husband having to put up with me... He should have left me in the states. Sticking it to my poor husband..and forcing him into building me this house... People making judgements about my marriage over a 20 min. STAGED TV show? ummm OK.. Do I really need to defend myself? ... probably not to...