Living in the moment....

"Living in the moment -instead of clinging to the past..."
- stole that from Ali Mcgraw
She was on Oprah today...  You know how Oprah LOVES to talk about getting older.
How FABULOUS it is...
Oh Oprah.. I so hope you are right.

I admit.. I am a big one for clinging on to the glory days... 
Looking back on the past almost 40 years ... I have had a freaking
FUN FUN FUN.. & never really boring.

I really have had so much fun... so many adventures...I look back now & smile on everything... CRAZY... but I couldn't see how FUN. things were when I was in the middle of it all. 

why is it so hard to really appreciate how wonderful things are at the moment?

Why all of this deep thought NOW? - 
Of course it is the impending b-day coming up..
the rest of it coming from the conversations with my pre-teen son...

The amount of times.. I have said..
"Oh honey.. things are going to be awesome..
& everything will work out.. - just you wait & see.."
I can't begin to count.

I wish I knew then.. what I know now... I keep telling him to trust his ol'mom..
he needs to enjoy just being a kid... no worries.. everything is gonna be A.-O.K.

I need to remember to remind myself  
.enjoy. every.moment. of every day...

I was feeling a bit bummed this week..
 part of me really wanted to go "home" for my birthday...
Not going to happen..
 I have a business trip.. we are going home in the summer etc..

Took me an afternoon of feeling sorry for myself... before I shook myself out of it..
& thought of all of the things I have to celebrate HERE...
My adorable husband... my beautiful children.. my awesome girlfriends ...
I am looking forward to being 40...

(ok.. I am a big fat L.I.A.R.  wish I could be 35 again.. hell, make it 30)

Anywoo.. thats what is going on in my little corner of the world..
Hope y'all have an AWESOME weekend... I am sooo looking forward to it.!


Unknown said…
So true.

I'm struggling with not living in the moment, and instead worrying about tomorrow, and 6 months from now, and 2 years from now. . .

As Norway punched me in the gut this week, I'm having a really hard time remembering to just stay in the present and focus on all the good and beauty around me NOW!

Thanks for the reminder. (and Happy Birthday!!)
sues2u2 said…
40 is rough, there is just no getting around it. It really does get better though. And really? Do you feel forty? I look in the mirror sometimes & wonder what happened to that 20, 28, 30, etc... yr old. I mean I don't feel almost 44.

Yep, living & being grateful are things I have to work on too. Stupid Arizona. I mean, I love nice warm winters & having my own swimming pool. Yeah, that's right.
I like Oprah view on age .....but when you have a stylist and a makeup artist's easy to embrace age!
You are going to rock 40! At least your kiddos are young people will not believe you are 40! And if all else fails there is botox! Happy Birthday!
Jaymo said…
I'm staring down the gunbarrel of 48 myself, but in my head I could be 25. Wife tells me I act that way too! Don't sweat it, you look great for any age, your kids are gorgeous and smart, and the world is a beautiful place filled with wonderful people. Do something nice for yourself, like a facial or a pedicure or a motorcycle...whatever it takes, you're worth it! Happy Birthday!

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