Inside Scoop... House Hunters Int....

Coming over from that Reality TV forum? I have answered some of the comments here
***There have a a lot of people linking to my blog from TV forums.. -
Read the post above for the real scoop...
But do you think while leaving my 70 year old parents..quitting my job. leaving friends - raising my children in a different culture..speaking a differnt language..
the ONLY thing I cared about wasa garbage disposal? & air conditioning in Norway?
Go to the link above.  

OK... I thought I would wait & watch the show before I answer all of the questions - comments which I have been getting...

But heck... I might be 50 before I get to see the show...

Can you imagine how..umm, AWKWARD (for lack of a better word)
 it is having pretty much EVERYONE I know... from Grade school - on.. seeing the show..? & then commenting on Facebook. before I was awake or even knew it was on.....eek.
I did get a lot of friend requests.. & reconnect with alot of people from the good ol' days.

I had a friend from Middle school.. she was folding laundry, watching her favortite show... when all of a sudden I popped up on the screen....  how funny...

I was contacted through my blog at the beginning of last summer, wanting to know if we wanted to do the show.

Although I had never seen the show, I thought it sounded fun... I liked the idea of getting my entire family involved.. thought it would be F. U. N. for the whole family . :-) (just ask my FATHER how fun he thought it was..hee hee..) At least I will never be the boring child in their family.

When we started filming in Kansas City..& the neighbors & friends found what we were doing... most of them were DISAPPOINTED.

The reactions went from
OMG..that's my FAVORITE SHOW...
OMG... its FAKE.

To be fair, I think our story was kinda of a special situation. 
(maybe not many families relocating to Norway?)

When I arrived to the states this summer, I watched the show every night... & I can see things..
(renovations etc..) that appear to make the time line correct/REAL

As most of y'all have been following my blog know.. WE DID NOT just move to Norway...

We have been here for a while.... - so although the show isn't REALLY - ummm "REAL"..
It wasn't exactly FAKE.. We just recreated the time line. :- 
The story is real.. :-) just happend a while ago.  the house, NEW...
When we moved over...(5 years ago...) we bought a house to live in while we looking.
Everything about the house... the hunt... is true...
We wanted the feel of a neighborhood, we really wanted to get into the  neighborhood we are in.
 We wanted a house big enough to grow in.... 

As I haven't seen the show.. I am only going from what I have heard...  I MAY or MAY have not sounded like a bit of a PRINCESS...(bitch)

 I really have to see the show before I say anything more...
But I was wondering how they were going to edit things together to make it appear to flow.
Did you hear Eva speak?  They had tried to interview her a few times in Kansas City... but she has such an accent... I didn't think they would be able to use it...


I hope they replay it soon! It's pretty cool even if it's a re-inactment ! After looking for a place to rent when we moved from US to Germany you want the closest to what you had and it's hard but not impossible! Have a wonderful weekend!
MommyLisa said…
You can see it online!

You can watch ANY show online.
I think they did good with putting it together. I had no clue that the show wasn't actually filmed while people are house hunting. I feel kind of cheated but I'm okay with that! It was fun to see your family after reading your blog for quite a while now!
sues2u2 said…
I'm glad that mommy lisa said you can watch it online cause I missed it & was mad.

Anyone house hunting can appear what they aren't. I thought it was all in real time too. Interesting stuff...
Lisa said…
I'm going to have to try and find a link to the show or something, I'd love to see it!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
I cannot wait to catch the show. I usually tape them so will have to see if your episode has been save! I was thrilled to read this as I spoke with Leopard Productions last month about taping once we find a flat in Aberdeen, Scotland. I too was a bit shocked that the 'hunt' is recreated. Now that I watch the show with more of a critical eye you can tell if people are able to act or ot! Okay..I'm off running to check my DVR. Wishing you and your family a fabulous 2011. I hope all your wishes came true for the holidays.

Cheers ~ Deb
Anonymous said…
Awwww..I don't really think your a brat, in the real since of the word!..just a BRAT, in the sense that I am so jealous! :) I want your life! No, not really..but just kinda..hahahah I loved the show..even though they mispronounced your name....we could tell the real names! and seriously..your on FB! I am gonna have to look you up..hahahahah not really....I can stalk you from here! oxoxoxoxo
Donna said…
If it ever comes up on the internet, let us know - I'd love to see it. Rumor has it they were just here in Jordan, but it wasn't for me!
BenLand said…
i watched the show and thought you were all great! such a happy, loving family.....and your house is beautiful!
(were they the actual houses you looked at 5 yrs ago?)
Unknown said…
These were different houses... Bjørn came over & did the original house hunting by himself.. he bought us a tempory house.. while we looked.. - ended up building.
Lizzie said…
how neato burrito!!! i'll have to see if i can't catch a RE-RUN :)
Lizzie said…
OHHH found it!

off to go watch :)
Mary said…
Just watched: you did NOT act like a princess at all! One question: do you really need air conditioning in Norway? I love how your hubby said that it was all on him, and that if you weren't happy it would be his fault! Very cute!
sues2u2 said…
I just watched the episode as well & I thought you acted like a normal person who had hopes of what she could have in her home. Was that bad? Certainly not & you certainly did not come across as demanding & pushy. You were very gracious & kind.
Kelly said…
I, of course, loved seeing Fredrikstad, your house, and all you's like having a visit with you whenever I want (I have the show dvr'd). You know it drove ME nuts when they mispronounced your name!!!

I don't think you came across too "princess-y" - you guys just wanted some of the things that are "givens" in an American home.

You done good, Tree! XXOO
Frizzy said…
As a person who has lived in Europe I totally understood your requests. I didn't think you came across as a "princess" at all. You picked your battles and I think you picked them wisely.

The apartments we lived in in Italy had nothing! No screens. No AC. No stove. No fridge. No counters. No garbage disposal. No cupboards. No closets. The amenitites included a kitchen sink, a bathtub,shower,and bathroom sink, 2 toilets and 2 bidets(sp)that was it.

If anyone gives you any flack invite them to come live in your home for a month w/o an American washer, dryer, dishwasher, kitchen, stove, electricity standard, phone system. Once they've walked a mile in your shoes we'll see if their feelings haven't changed.
Anonymous said…
I just watched it and loved seeing your home and family! So much fun to get to go "behind the scenes" and naive me always thought it was all done "real time". I laughed about your blog comment regarding Eva's accent during the filming...You come across very warm and wanting to make it work for everyone.....your husbands obvious devotion to you is really touching. I'm married to a Norwegian American and of course he blames his Norwegian heritage for not being the demonstrative type :-)....wait until I have him watch this video! Can't wait to read your thoughts when you watch.
Dumbwit Tellher said…
I had to come back to tell you that I did have your episode of HHI recorded & finally got a chance to watch. It was terrific & you came off wonderfully (& not a American Diva. Love that you tracked down a garbage disposal. Your new home is lovely as is your entire family. So fun to watch. I'll keep you posted if & when we get an episode taped. We're getting more showings on our house here in TX so fingers crossed.

Lykkelig Søndag ~ Deb
Jill said…
Ahhhhh.... that makes a little bit more sense now. The timeline that is. Based on everything I've "Chatted" with you about online, I was a tad confused when I saw the show.

But, I'll admit that I just adored you in it! I loved seeing the process. I loved watching the house take shape once you decided to build. And I"m glad that you didn't end up settling for anything less than you ultimately wanted!!
Ksam said…
Oh how funny - I just watched this episode a few days ago! I've always wondered how they do it, especially in cases like yours where you've been living there a while - did they empty out all the rooms in your house then?

PS. Thanks for commenting on my blog! ;)

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