House Hunters International...My thoughts...

OK...OMG... finally got a copy of the show. 
 Thank you to my WONDERFUL, THOUGHTFUL mother.. who sent it express...
 I love you mamma! -
& if you couldn't tell from the show.. I miss her like crazy!. MUAHHHH.

Lets see... thoughts...

I think if you KNOW me... you would know that I really am NOT..."hard to please".  
For the most part I do go with the FLOW.... (no, really)

After the chic said for the 100th time.. "HARD TO PLEASE TRESSA.. "

My darling boy said... thats not true mom.. your not hard to please.  (love that kid)

I had to laugh when I said.. "if mamma ain't happy,ain't no one happy" 
- I may have seemed a tad bit bitchy,.. -come on ya'll I was trying to make it realistic. :-)

I would love to tell you that I don't really sound like NANNY Fine.. NASAL...
But gosh... I must.. you would never know I grew up in Texas would you?

It was fun watching it with the family this evening..I am so glad I have the video now..
With my sister.. mom & dad, friends in the states... this is going to be a nice little momento.
& I am so glad all of my friends & family were able to see our "new" home.


Unknown said…
Wish we could watch it here in Norway!!
Would love to see it!
(and I knew from before that they were "staged")

We're starting the house-hunting stage up here in Lillehammer. Not looking forward to it. Very nervous about the limited options.
MommyLisa said…
BUT YOU CAN!!! You see most American Networks post their shows online - see here -

That is how I watched it.

Tressa you should totally embed the video so people can see it at their leisure!

Really - you seemed fine to me and the announcer was just SAYING you were hard to please.
sues2u2 said…
I thought you came across fine. Not difficult @ all. Since you spilled the beans it's easy to tell that the show is staged. Bummer.
I hope they replay it! Blame everything on editing! Such a neat opportunity for you all.
Sandy said…
I thought you and your family were perfect. :) Your house is beautiful, wishing you many happy years there.
Donna said…
I found it online, but here in the middle east, I couldn't get it to play.
Anonymous said…
The video doesn't work here i Norway neither:( I want to see it!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
So glad you finally got to see it, here after so many of us were critiquing your episode! It has to be very daunting seeing yourself t.v.?! Your parents are adorable as well as your husband & kiddos. You are a good actress and no one would know you had already built your house. It really is a good memento to have forever.

Skål ( : Deb
Robbi said…
Hei Tressa,

For those in the USA, your show is going to repeat on Tuesday, January 25th, at 9 p.m. and again at midnight. Since your show originally aired on my birthday, I was out and missed it to my disappointment. I'm curious to see how they handled the visninger, having the reports on what is wrong with the houses, and the SMS biddings.

Ha en fin helg.
Anonymous said…
Mate. This blog is amazing. How can I make it look this good ?.
marcela said…
I've found your blog on Google and I absolutely loved it!!! I can't stop laughing, you seem so funny:)

hilsen fra Brasil:)
Watch your show tonight! Love where you live! Your house you built is beautiful! I would be the same way wanting a home as close to what you know. When we moved to Germany I was shocked!! Luckily it ws just for 2 yrs but we were lucky to rent a place with a big kitchen and closets! Hard adjustment moving international, people don't get it until you do it! So happy I finally caught it! Love HGTV!
I love it! Decided to sit down for some House Hunters International and IMMEDIATELY recognized you!! Had to tell the Hubs that I follow your blog and there you are on TV! The world is so small. Seriously. & you do NOT sound like Nanny Fine!!
BNR said…
Hi! Me and my Norwegian hubby have a very similar story to yours and i found your blog doing a google search for info for Americans in Norway :) We actually just happened to watch your episode last night on HGTV (we always hoped for an episode in Norway!). We were so excited b/c you expressed most of the same concerns (regarding the housing) I have. We will be moving to Norway in a couple of years so its so nice to read what your experience has been like as I am sure it will be similar to mine.
Anonymous said…

I begin on internet with a directory
Unknown said…
I want to see it : )
Anonymous said…
Great show...I really sympathized with you!

P.S. You're realtor was very VERY cute! :-D

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