Hoarders called.. they want me for their show...

Ooooo lordy... 
I have had a couple of days off this week & decided to do something 
P R O D U C T I V E...
Like start on our..da da dum dum daaa. BASEMENT.
Perhaps,  da da dum dum daaa isn't the right sound effect when describing my basement
Please think of some scary sound.. cause it is a freaking MESS.

When the HGTV filmed here & wanted to see the basement I just about DIED.
Please lord... tell me that they didn't show any of the footage from the basement.
I assume they did not.. as HOARDERS hasn't called YET.

The rest of the house is clean... I PROMISE...
If the house isn't clean, I don't allow people in.. not even my kids friends.. for fear they will JUDGE me... even worse, go home & tell their mommies that our house was messy.

So I do keep the rest of the house clean... it is just something about that basement..
It is the land of 5,000 half finished projects.. left over birthday supplies..
4 sizes of clothes..(for me) some from BEFORE I got married.
I can tell you where/when I wore each outfit...
maybe I am like the "Rainman" of clothes?
I have all of my Eurorail passes from college...
napkins with phone numbers.. (from the 90's) brochures,textbooks..
and pictures.. 1.000's & 1,000 's of pictures.. just thrown into BOXES.
it breaks my heart. really it does.
I swore I would never just throw pictures into boxes.. I was sooo good at scrapbooking. & then one day.. I fell behind.  SIGH.
So this week, I have started sorting.. sorting the toys.. all of my arts & crafts...
I was going to bring the tubs & tubs of photos upstairs so I could go through them in the evening..
But I just don't even know where to start.
I need to throw  a lot of them away. 
I mean, do I really NEED that picture of Ol'whats his/her name from HS? Grade school..random kid at bible camp???
I could just start scanning some of them other people might be interested in & throw away the actual copy right?  UGHHHH I get so overwhelmed.

The kids.. I don't even know where to start.
I was thinking I need to scan them.. & make discs for the children. Or upload them somewhere.. so they will always be available.,
If I wait until I have time to start putting them in albums,they will stay in boxes FOREVER.

I need an ORGANIZER ... add it to my list of my birthday WISHES.. :-)


Audreya said…
I am in no position to judge anyone for dumping grounds. If I did, I would be banished to my garage for all eternity. It's terrible in there!

I used to be so good at scrapbooking too - but alas. Instead, I've starting doing a few photo books on Shutterfly. It still takes time, but not as much. And it costs money, but I did our whole vacation for $30-ish. I would have easily spent more than that on scrapbook baubles. Plus, this limits (not eliminates, but limits) the amount of glitter floating around our house. So, the husband is a big fan of the photo book too.
Frizzy said…
I can't tell you how liberating cleaning out my photos has been. I seem to throw more out each time I go through them. Don't be so hard on yourself. Take a deep breath and just start in a corner and work your way across the room. YOU CAN DO IT!
Unknown said…
:-) Thanks Frizzy --- Baby steps..baby steps. Great idea !Audreya
Laural Out Loud said…
I'll be your organizer! I LOVE to organize. All you need to do is pay my way and feed me, and I'll turn your basement into a Norwegian wonderland. Just don't look at my house as an example of my work.
sues2u2 said…
Somebody else posted about the Hoarders phenom & heaven help me but I could kinda see myself there w/ those unfinished projects. It was so scary that I did like you & have been cleaning out the projects. Maybe I can sell them on ebay. Think anybody'd bid on them?
sarah r said…
Hi Tressa,

I just started following your blog. I was referred to it by a friend who, like me, is an American with a Norwegian boyfriend. In fact, I will be moving to Norway for an extended period of time this spring to be with him! For this reason, your blog has been especially interesting to me. :) I've been to Norway several times, but I am just gobbling up anything I can find about living there. I'm loving hearing about your experiences. Thanks for sharing!
- Sarah

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