2 week catch up...

Sheeesh... I KNOW.. I have been MIA..

I don't know why I am having such a hard timme getting myself to the computer.

The New Year has started off with a BANG.... some major changes in our household.
One thing I can say for sure is IT IS NEVER DULL 'ROUND HERE!

Hubby has changed jobs... I am FREAKING out just a bit. 
For the past 4 years he has been commuting 4 hours a day.  2 hours each way....

Don't have to be a math wiz to know that that is a WHOLE LOTTA - away time.

So hubby has taken something closer to home..
which means  a lot more DADDY time. yea! 
Change is always a little weird...
but I find, the more time I spend with "Blue Eyes" the more I like him. :-)

I have been busy busy working... sometimes I LOVE my job...
- Just found out I will be going to Germany next month to get the SCOOP on all of the new Spring/Summers fragrances/cosmetics & creams...  yippee... 
 I will let you know if I fall in LOVE with anything over there.

I went this past weekend for a MINI Oslo Blog Fest. 
 Oddly enough, set up by a NON BLOGGER...
a wee little lass from Scotland, who I would like to adopt as my little sis abroad.

I had such a GREAT time, I am kicking myself for not making it to the Party last summer.

Don't you LOVE it when you just CLICK with someone?
I haven't met many bloggers .. 
but the bloggers I have met in person, have not disappointed. 
This weekend was no different. 
A group of us met at the Dubliner in Oslo.
I am pretty sure the Dubliner would have to be my favorite bar in Norway..
It was SO nice to have people speaking English all night, & the Norwegians who were there... were all interested in where we were from & even better.. speaking ENGLISH.. yahoo...

I would like to PROMISE to be better about blogging.

I REALLY want to be better.  Blogging has given me so much...
(tons of bloggy & RL buddies..) but there will be  A LOT going on in the next month..
Bjørn's new job...
Dane is going away for a week to a SKI SCHOOL..
(the entire 6th grade goes... HOW FUN?)
I will be turning the big 4-0
& will be heading to Germany..
Sigh... I am tried already...  :-)


sues2u2 said…
@ least when you do big things you make sure they're really BIG!

Happy early Birthday on turning 40 if we don't hear from you sooner.
Finally saw your show on the HGTV website...SQUEE!!!! Loved it! Y'all are so adorable! And happy early birthday! Hope it's your best one yet. :)
Leesa said…
That's GREAT to hear about your blog-get together! I think it's great meeting our fellow bloggers in person and really try to do so when they come to Paris or just meeting others around me in France and in my region! Cooool!!!

Also, Happy upcoming 40! Enjoy and you look great so take advantage and have a BLAST!!!

Hugs from the Caribbean side of Costa Rica
La.. said…
Beutifull pictures whit Renny and Diane and the rest of Bloguer in The Dubliners. I was in OsloBg and was amazing meet all this wonderfull people.
A big hug from Ibiza

La.. said…
I would like to have been at the Dubliner and spend some time! I hope to meet you personally the next meeting of bloggers. I love Norway and I'm always wanting to go there. But it would be nice too Ibiza.
Strong Hug

Maria ( Ibiza )
Thanks for letting me join you at this girly girls party!

I was so excited and just had to make my own report from the adventures night :-)
Karla said…
It was great hanging out with you at the dub! We will have to do it again. (Don't tell any boys)
Karla said…
It was great hanging out with you at the dub! We will have to do it again. (Don't tell any boys)

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