HGTV,,, House Hunter Int.

Mom just woke me up from a dead sleep...  I guess the show is um, like RIGHT NOW.
for all of y'all who have asked...   :-)

Sorry for the short notice... didn't know myself!:-)

Hope y'all are having a FABULOUS Holiday...  I have been!

Pictures on the way!


LJensen said…
I've been waiting...I've set it to record. Hope all is well, since you haven't blogged in a while!
Frizzy said…
I've come just in time. You'll be on in an hour! Yahoo can't wait to see you on tv. It'll feel like I really know someone on this show. Strange since we've never met but have been chatting here in blogland for almost 2 years now.

Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
DH and I watched last night ~ it was on after 10pm, don't know exactly what time....when did you move from the states? How long have you lived in Norway? The show made it seem like you were leaving the USA to go to Norway, but I thought you already live in Norway for quite a while? I was a bit confused. But Norway looks beautiful and I loved your home.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
This is cooler than cool!
Rochelle said…
Caught your episode last night! Love your new home and I don't think it is demanding to want a house with a garbage disposal and a bath tub. Your husband obviously adores you and your kids are precious. Congrats on the new digs!
Laural Out Loud said…
Ahhh, the ever elusive garbage disposal, lol. My MIL in Brazil is dying for one, so we're bringing one the next time we go. It'll require lots of electrical manuevering, but it'll be worth it.

I didn't know you were going to be on HGTV until I sat down to watch my latest batch of House Hunters International! I was like, I know that kid, when I first saw Dane. Then I saw your face and I was so excited!

I'm with anonymous, though- they made it out to seem like you were just moving. Did you recently spend some time in the States and "move" back?
Audreya said…
I've read your blog for a while not but not sure if I've commented before... so hi! I'm a big House Hunters fan, so it was really fun to see someone I'm "familiar with" on the show. And we have the same comforter in our master bedrooms. :-)
Darn I missed it! Are they replaying it?
lisa said…
loved the episode!! At first I thought, 'no can't be' but when I saw your kids I hopped online and emailed you. Congrats!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness.....I was watching it last night, I dvr it...:) and as I am watching I am thinking I KNOW THIS WOMEN!!!!! It's my blog bud!!!!! So after I was done I did not delete it so I could double check..and SURE enough it's you!!! I love you..your just like I thought you were! FUNNY! I was cracking up at your Well in America...I will have to have it here to!!! AND YOU GOT IT! Your a brat for sure...Love your new house!!!!! I know a star..hahahahh Blessing on the new home...even thought you have been it for a bit!!!

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