Today I am thankful....

I am so sorry I didn't get onboard with posting something I am thankful for everyday in Nov. -
 What an awesome idea!
. but just because I haven't posted, doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it & counting my blessings..
I have been a bit OVERWHELMED lately.... like. GOING UNDER kindda OVERWHELMED..
I know, y'all know, what I am talkin about...
I felt like I was going under for the 3rd time.. when..  it hit me.. that inner peace...
the thought..that I should be
 for every..single. thing.
that I am trying to juggle.
my job.(thankful I have one) . my messy house..(thankful that I have one).
 my pain in the ass (at times) husband... - thankful I have him...
my throwing up kids on the sofa... THANKFUL it is only the flu...
so today... I am just going to take baby steps.. and do the best I can.. and be THANKFUL..


sweet post and love your blog, the Thailand posts were fun would love to visit there
Sara Louise said…
Cheers to baby steps! Sometimes it's all we can do :)

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