Black & White Wed. Days like this...
I am playing Black & White Wed with Lisa from The Long Road to China
Lisa's Black & White Wednesday is the only thing that seems to get me out of my
blogging SLUMP. Thanks Lisa
I think I am OFFICIALLY O V E R winter ....Give me SPRING.. & time on a boat already.
We did have one last (hoping) weekend in the snow... & it was WONDERFUL... spent the weekend cross country skiing & playing in the snow with our babies.
I love DAYS LIKE THESE... Makes me wonder how more we will have, before the children start protesting that they are too big to go out & play with mommy & papa.
Daddy's little girl...

When did Dane get so grown up?

Tree swings with friends are the best!

Love this Guy!
HOWEVER~~~~If I had as many beautiful subjects as you (including YOU), I think I'd blog non-stop. Your family is awesome and I love seeing a family having pure fun together.
Many blessings and springtime wishes~
I say why worry about them growing up too fast - I'm 39 and when we got one last snowfall the other week I was the first out in the yard building me snowman / ice palace - I figure if we never really grow up why should our kids have to!!
:) Here comes the sun...and spring soon to follow.
Awesome b/w!
The one of you and your guy made me smile :)
Love all of these, especially the sun flare one!
We are all more than ready for spring.....we have been given a little taste, but it is about to turn cold again:(
Can't wait to see Spring in Norway, I know you won't disappoint.
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