Black & White Wed.. Winter Break

I am playing Black & White Wed with Lisa from The Long Road to China.

Rather than TELL you what I have been up to while MIA for the past 2 weeks

why not SHOW you...?

For the winter break we headed to the Norwegian Mountains with another family &

Return to Norway's boy Kris...for some much needed R & R & some skiing...


Batgirl said…
Awesome photos :-) I keep getting fooled by the "black and white wed" headline. I think I'm so wedding oriented now that I read it as "black and white wedding" every time! :-)
Buckeroomama said…
Wow, what an amazing series of BW shots! :) The third to the last photo --was that a frozen waterfall?
Tezzie said…
Great pics! Is that an actual igloo/snow cave?? Wow! And the goggles one totally cracked me up :D
Lisa said…
Oh! My Gosh! These are great pictures! You win!

I can't believe all that snow!
Lisa said…
Wowee wow wow...that takes some courage and moxie! AND you captured the big and small moments both splendidly!

Love those gorgeous grins, with teeth and without! :)
WHAT A BEAUITFUL PLACE!!! Looks like you had a wonderful little vacation:) Awesome black and whites! Thanks for playing along.
sues2u2 said…
I LOVE your b&w pix. You do awesome work and bonus! The kids look like they were having a blast.
Wanda said…
Wow....breathtaking. Your kids are gorgeous, of course and look so great having fun in the snow.

Just wonderful!
Unknown said…
Awesome pics. I love black and white snow pics!!
These photos are fantastic...your kids are adorable!!
Lee said…
Holy crap...that looks so dang cold! You are a braver gal than me.
cat said…
Looks like you had a great (cold) time. Great to have you back.
NB said…
You always have some great photos! You guys always seem to make it seem it isn't freezing over there. :-)
Cristin said…
gorgeous! i want you to come take pics of my kids!
* said…
Great shots. I am not a photographer at all, so I appreciate good photography.

Stopping by from Communal Global. Just came over to your blog because I didn't realize you had one.
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