Totally Random Wed....

I was going to do Random Tuesday... but as you can see, I am a little late.

Story of my life as late...

I have been in a bit of a funk as of late... I think it is my mid life MELTDOWN... I am not ready to turn 40... although I still have 11 months on me... I am dreading it.... I know, I need to get over it... Really with everything going on around us as of late... I should be THANKFUL that I am going to turn 40... I am... deep down.

I have been WORKING like a crazy person... lots of long hours... so when I am home, I need to spend time with my babies....

I FINALLY got into the dermatologist... Put me on some meds & said we would see if there is any improvement after 6 months...SIX MONTHS? - you have to be BLEEPING kidding me...
luckily things seem to be going in the right direction & my face is MUCH better after only a couple of weeks... yippee...

You know we (the ladies of Communal Global) are hosting a photo contest... we want to SEE a photo of what women from around the world are doing... head over & post your photo... there will be a PRIZE... go on.. & show us some love. : )

*Ooooo ya, you know how I have always have a hard time relating to the Norwegian mommies? - Well I have finally decided to make the FIRST move with the mommies to the kids who will be in Eva's class next year.. and am going to host a Mor-tini night... (mor means Mom in Norwegian...clever... no?)

The couple of mothers I talked to about it... thought i was such a great idea & sooo AMERICAN... so now I need to do it RIGHT... ideas... tips... ? : )

*I am TRYING to get in shape before we head home for our summer holiday... lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks.. YEA me... lets hope I can keep on keeping on...

*& now for my EXCITING... GET ME OUT OF MY FUNK news....
Bjørn is whisking me away to DUBLIN next weekend...(weekend after Easter...)
sigh... Have I mentioned I love that man of mine?

It was been a YEAR since our last little get away to Rome & we need to GET.AWAY.... just for a couple of nights...
reason #596 I love living in Europe...
in just an hour & half & you can be partying like the IRISH... woo hoo...

It has been 18 years since the last time I was in Dublin with my backpacking girlfriends....
So now I am looking for things to do... (besides the Guiness tour)... ANYONE have some suggestions?

Hope y'all have a wonderful holiday... yes.. Norway has officially shut down until next TUESDAY.. Have I mentioned Easter is HUGE over here?....


magicdarts said…
As the only time I ever went to Dublin was supposedly on Business for the International Rugby Board of all places, and I ended up in a blur of Guinness bars the one night I was there can't help you - but luckily the good lady has a few suggestions from her visit a few moons ago

Why not go for the double literally in terms of brewery tours, at the Jameson Whiskey tour - an Irish coffee like you wouldn't believe.
Best area for the pubs is Temple Bar (the Hairy Lemon is quite famous)- Grafton Street is where the shopping is .

Other must see attractions include the Book of Kells in Trinity College and the best way to see it all is the city bus tour that goes round via Phoenix Park and all the other main stops -

Have a pint or three for us!
Frizzy said…
You could shop for crystal martini glasses for your party. That ought to wow the ladies.

Glad to hear your medicine seems to be working and congrats on the weight loss!

We hope to get to Ireland next year to meet our Italian friends again. We'll see what is in store.
Unknown said…
Congrats on the that is amazing in 3 weeks. Good going.
I love the Mor-tini night...very, very cool idea and you will not soon be forgotten after that one!
How about chocolate martinis or bellini martinis? Yes, so very American!

How exciting that Bjorn is taking you to Ireland...what a nice little romantic jaunt! Sounds like you need some HONEY time to refuel and recharge.

I didnt' realize that Easter was THAT big over, that is more than we're doing here. Here lots of places were closed on Good Friday but not on Thursday.

Enjoy the time with the family and keep your (gorgeous) chin up...your trip will be here before you know it, Slim!

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