We want YOU!

We WANT You!
My "sisters" over at COMMUNAL GLOBAL
are having a little contest & we want you to join in on the FUN...
We want to know what ladies
AROUND the WORLD are doing TODAY...


I made a massive batch of vegan florentines to take to the Faroe Islands. Bet you wouldn't have guessed that one ;)
magicdarts said…
Typical I've waited all week to read a blog from you and I'm excluded because of my gender!!

My lady wife has been helping organize the easter egg hunt for the local village kids today if that helps :)
Nicole said…
Exploring the hardware store with three kids in tow. LOL.
Robbi said…
I've been cleaning out the closets, boxing things up to donate, and spring cleaning.

Now there is a blizzard due in tomorrow and Tuesday here in Lake Tahoe, and I've already packed away the winter stuff!

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