Back soon... first Madrid...

It has been AGES since I have been able to blog...
As y'all know I was in Greece one week for work...  home 36 hours... just long enough to do my first ever PHOTO SHOOT... woo hoo...  & then turned around and headed to Spain... in Madrid until tomorrow.

really thought I might have a quiet night or two in the hotel... to actually go through my pictures & blog a bit... HA.

My butt is dragging with 14 hour days with meetings & late late dinners...(with good Spanish wine.)

Be back soon to tell about all of my adventures.


rach said…
ah im so jealous of your life! I'm actually going to be in Madrid tuesday! I'm hoping the weather is nice and sunny- its too cold here in Ireland!
Unknown said…
It is LOVELY! People are am amazing.. sun is shining.. but I am so ready to get home & see my babies! xxx
Kanika said…
I wish some day I get to be there in real. It's my dream to be witness to a game played by at their home! aww; please God fulfill my wish!

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