Its the little things... acts of kindness..

There are a lot of us expats over here who bitch & moan about how RUDE people are (over here..)  especially us Southern girls....

I have never really experienced a RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS here in Norway...
not until this morning.

I have an hour & a half commute into my office.... & I like my coffee in the morning...
CUPS & CUPS of it...

I know how long it takes me to get down to the office & where I can have my first pee pee break.
(yes, I did just say pee pee)

Well this morning I have a meeting on the other side of town... somewhere I have never been.. no idea how or where to park.. or where I will be able to get rid of the 5 cups of coffee I had before I left the house. 
hmmmm- not soo smart..

I find my meeting location... but no parking places... & no toilet

I found a little mom & pop grocery on the corner & thought I would ask JUST IN CASE....

Nope, they didn't have a restroom in the store, but they did have one in the basement of the building...
Me, desperate, asked if I could use it... :-) Pleeeeease..

The man was SOOO nice.  Actually left the store (unattended) & took me down to it.
When I came up, to return his keys...
I asked if he knew of any parking lots in the area...

The man smiled & gave me a employee parking card so that I could leave my car & make it to my meeting.

I was SPEECHLESS... I have never had a stranger be so kind to me over here....

I realize this may not seem like a big deal to most of y'all...
But this stranger... MADE MY DAY.

I am determined to do something nice for a stranger & pass it on today.
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone would do something nice for someone today?

Hope y'all have a fantastic day!  xxx  I am :-)


Jaymo said…
That warms my heart! Didn't know you could ever hope to have that happen here.
I am a big fan of paying it forward! It is amazing what little acts can do! :)
Anonymous said…
YESSSSSSSSSS i love it!!!!! (not that you said pee pee, but that the man was so kind!!!). honestly for all the times i bitch and complain about rudeness here, i love nothing more than to be proved wrong!!!!!!!

hope that made a good start to your weekend :)
It's so easy to be nice to others. I wish more people would do it more often.
It is amazing how something "small" like this can make your day. It is so important to be nice to each other, and it's so easy to not even think about it.

So, I'm going to try and be more aware . . .
Tezzie said…
Wow! someone living in a country known to be even more 'unfriendly', I can totally understand what a big deal your random kindness truly was! Thanks for sharing such a heart-warming story...maybe there's hope for us over here, too! ;D
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I think the fact that you POSTED about this ROCKS!

We all need to spread those random acts of kindness that we discover and I think it might restore our faith in people just a bit!
La.. said…
Hello Tressa !
I call this power of attraction, good people attract good people.
Greetings from Ibiza, you have happy weekend !


Laural Out Loud said…
How cool! I hope that your kind stranger gets it back ten-fold, and that you find a totally awesome way to pay it forward.

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