Cupcake Cutie... Eva's 7th Birthday Party

Another Birthday party down.... 
I have to say, I really enjoyed this party...
& I feel like the
QUEEN of Papier-mâché
Cupcakes are still pretty new to Norway... no. really. 

Of course they have had "muffins" for years...
but the whole CUPCAKE craze with frosting up to HERE.
is totally new...

So the idea behind the party, was that all of the girls could decorate their own cupcake.

I made a Cupcake piñata... you can't find Piñatas here in Norway... so if you want one..
You are going to have to make it... not really too hard.

Only lilttle glich... I hadn't thought about where we would HANG the piñata..
Hmmm.... I assured Bjørn he could just hold it... I am sure none of the girls would hit him with the stick...
But he didn't believe me...
So the girls had to PUNCH the piñata...  & then kick it...
At least the entertainment lasted a while... :-)  I tend to make my piñatas very strong... lol

While trying to figure out how I was going to make the piñata, Eva & I made a couple of smaller cupcakes... just to try it...

They turned out so cute, that I hated not to use them, for something...
Of course, the night before the party I decided I would use the cute little cupcakes as Goody Bags (boxes)
-didn't have enough for all of the girls...
 so of course I was Papier-mâché-ing in the to wee hours of the morn...
(I always come up with my best ideas at the LAST min.  lol)


Design Cave said…
Tressa, you did an amazing job! Where do you find the time!! Your daughter is a lucky little girl! Just perfect.
Unknown said…
:-) Thanks Fallon... just keep thinking she is only little once.. I can sleep later.. lol
Frizzy said…
What a fabulous party! Those cupcakes are DA BOMB! So cool and so pretty! I know your sweet little one will remember it forever!
sues2u2 said…
You are amazing! What a wonderful idea. Looks like it was a HUGE hit too!

If you didn't enjoy your job so darn much you could a) open up a party business & b) open up Norway's first cupcakery!
marcela said…
I just loved everything about this party! The idea behind it (to decorate cupcakes) and the cupcakes you made! I'm a cupcake lover and I have just started selling them, and oh, you inspired me in a way...yay, I will start a new project now! haha

Have a nice day :)
Kelly said…
I've been stalking your blog to read about all the details of Eva's party. I'm glad to hear it was a big success!!

I love the action shot of the candy falling out of the pinata!! And the picture of Eva's cake with the candles - her friend's face is priceless!!

Last, did she get a rabbit for her birthday? Where did the baby rabbit come from?
dd said…
Looked like a great party!! I just gave my first Norwegian party but to three year olds....quite different I imagine. What did you put in as the favors...just candy? I had so many questions before ours...I wasn't sure how or if they do favors, open gifts at the party, sitting arrangements with kids and parents...etc. Thanks for sharing. Wonderful pics!!
Louisette said…
Lovely cake birthday, greeting from Belgium
Louisette said…
Lovely cake birthday, greeting from Belgium.

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