Rhodes Greece 2011

When I found out last spring (before I landed the job) that I would be going to Greece for a week... I was THRILLED... Greece.. is one of my all time favorite places on earth...  OK Santorini to be more exact... is one of my favorite places on earth...

But none the less I was headed for sunshine & Greece... sigh.. it was all good....

I worked a lot....during the week... but who can complain too much when your "office" looked like this?

The old town was AMAZING...

Open ALL night... for eating, drinking & shopping...

I was a VERY good girl & did NOT buy any jewelry... remembering all of the items I had bought during my previous trips to Greece....

I did however treat myself to this yummy red briefcase..... I looked all over the US this summer for a RED briefcase... & NADA... so I was thrilled when I found this in the Old Town... 
My co workers liked it so much... they each bought red ones too...  no worries.-- they live in different cities.

I really did work... a lot...  I think I had the last day  all to myself....  I took a boat trip to Lindos...
and had the chance to hang out with all sorts of neat ladies from all over Norway....
We laid out... we drank ... we sang...  we swam,  we saw the sights... what a wonderful day...

Fabulous... trip ....
more tomorrow....


Laura said…
We love Greece too! Our younger son's middle name is actually Rhodes-- we loved the city and someone (my hairdresser to exact, yes I know that's strange) threw the name out there when I was pregnant and I thought-- wow, how perfect, we love Rhodes and we love the name-- it's in!
Sharon said…
These look amazing!
Anonymous said…
ahhhh pack me in your suitcase next time will ya?!!?
Heather said…
Wow, amazing photos!

You have now forced me to put "trip to Greece" on my bucket list. You know, for when my kids are grown and I actually have a bit of time to myself :)
Natalia Lynn said…
oh my gosh, I have wanted to go to Greece for such a long time! One of these days!!

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