Studio Artist Make Up Launch...

Attended a FABULOUS launch of Oriflames new make up line..
Have I mentioned how much I love my job?  Oh, I have?... sorry... :-)

Nothing like a Thursday afternoon in the office with live music... catered lunch & a little VINO...

The Studio Artist line is professional grade make up...  which will be availible in just a few weeks.
yup.. same kind that the make up artists use.
LOVE the colors...

Love the lipstick..  creamy.. stays on.. & loads of colors to choose from....

Swedish born Hollywood actress Malin Åkerman is the spokeswomen for the new brand..   She was not at our launch in Oslo this week.. but was in Paris last week for our annual meeting... (no.. I wasn't there... :-(
perhaps next year?  a girl can hope...

I have a BIG day of Packing tomorrow... I am heading to the beautiful Island of Rhodes,Greece.
CAN NOT WAIT... it has been AGES since I was in Greece... on of my favorite places on earth...

As I keep telling hubby,, don't be jealous.. I will be working.  But man... what a place to work.. No?
Try to post while I am away.. & be good @posting pictures... 

Have I mentioned I LOVE my job?


Kelly said…
So happy that you love your job!!! It sounds so cool!! Only drawback is we can't get Oriflame in the states!!! Enjoy Greece!! XXOO
Unknown said…
Hopefully one day Kell... & then I can come over & work there... sigh. :-) Miss you
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Oh wow... I love "I HAVE to go to Greece for my job this week"...

yeah, hard life, sister! :-)

Have fun!
Anonymous said…
have i mentioned how much I love your job for you!!!! and am slightly jealous of it.

while youre currently in greece i am either

a) sitting on the couch staring outside at the rain
b) sitting on the couch staring outside at the rain
c) sitting on the couch staring outside at the rain

it is raining in bergen. shock. hope you're having fun!!!
Ok, wait a minute. You have a new job? And it involves wicked awesome makeup? You know what that sounds like? A PERFECT MATCH:)

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