
As I was sitting with my boss a couple of weeks ago, discussing blogs I would like to do product reviews for us- He causually mentions a little blog called... "American in Norway"..

Gulp.. With my face going red, and a nervous giggle... "How did you find it" as my mind raced through some of my better posts such as... Hooker Boobs, hungry butts, and a painful 15 min. of fame.

Gooood Lord almighty! I am such a &!@€%# idiot sometimes.

Hello? What did I expect, writing about press launches & company trips?

Sure enough, it was our PR Company who found my blog.

My boss had a nice little chuckle.. I mean, not like I have ever written anything bad... I love my job .. But now I am not sure where I go from here.

I am sure there is nothing on this blog that would shock or surprise him.

I am the same in real life as I am on my blog...

Trying to get my groove back- Know what I mean? ;-)


That is the reason my husband asked me to refrain from using any real names or addresses.
I hate it though because it feels so detached sometimes.
Welcome back to blog world!
Sally said…
It's in the public domain - nothing is a secret these days. Has he got a blog???
Anonymous said…
You've been found out....shudder....
Kelli Nørgaard said…
One thing is for sure...if he had not read "Hooker Boobs" before today, he will definitely be searching for it now!
'Drea said…
It is funny writing a blog and trying to remain anonymous.

Good thing you kept your nose clean...
Sara Louise said…
I would have turned 14 shades of pink and crawled under a desk!
You'll get your groove back, and when you do, we'll be here :)
Anonymous said…
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brenda (from Guelph !! sort of ...) said…
Not to worry Tressa - you are honest and funny - you have a gift for writing. I think that so many people follow your blog is because it is so natural, down to earth, happy,anf full of life &love.

You have nothing to worry about - it will just show how very human and well-rounded you are and such a family oriented person. Re your job - you have made us all wish we could have that job !!

Take care and keep on smiling and blogging. We would miss you.

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