My Teenage son...

May 21, 2012
Happy Birthday to my beautiful baby boy....  
13 years have flown by... 
I can't believe my baby is a teenager!
We have been celebrating since last Thursday... had a FANTASTIC time in London...
(loads & loads of pictures to share with y'all)
My boy is growing up... & my heart is bursting with pride..
Dane... you are such an absolute BLESSING to both your father & myself... 
we love you with every ounce of our being... 
and there is not a doubt in our minds,
 you willachieve ANYTHING you set your mind to...
THANK YOU for being the son that you are...
We love you! xxxx 


Mary said…
Happy birthday to Dane! What a way to spend LONDON! That wouldn't have been easy to do if you lived in the States! **jealous** :)
Sally said…
What a lovely son, your heart is obviously bursting with love and pride for him. Happy Birthday Dane, hope you are enjoying London.
Lynn Proctor said…
where does the time go--happy birthday to your new teenager!
dd said…
Great pictures! Happy Birthday to him!! Klem, dd
Brenda chabot said…
Happy Birthday Dane from Canada!!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
You are the MOM of a TEEN!! Big milestone!!

Gotta admit my have pic is the one in the cowboy hat and bandana!

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