Sitting in Amsterdam having a Heine....
Managed to get up at 3 this morning... just to check & re check I had everything in order.... I am always so afraid somthing is going to go wrong when I am on my way home..... Passport (check) Credit cards (check) tickets (check, check) Everything else I can buy when I get to America.... I am always worried that I am going to look suspicious flying overseas with 2 GIANT EMPTY Suitcases... SO far soooo good. Made sure I had outfits laid out for the kids for the next 10 days, threatened to divorce Bjorn if Eva's school picture outfit is messed with AT.ALL. (yes I am talking to you...very involved MIL - who always feels the need to ruin Eva's adorable outfit with some x-tra, ugly, screen print t-shirt OVER. said chosen outfit.... or adding some crazy ass socks to a pair of sandals... DO NOT DO IT... or your son will be moving in with you!) : ) My gosh... I am really HERE (almost halfway home) ALONE..... Have to admit I got a little teary this morning as Bjorn was dropping me ...