Sitting in Amsterdam having a Heine....

Managed to get up at 3 this morning... just to check & re check I had everything in order....
I am always so afraid somthing is going to go wrong when I am on my way home.....

Passport (check)
Credit cards (check)
tickets (check, check)

Everything else I can buy when I get to America.... I am always worried that I am going to look suspicious flying overseas with 2 GIANT EMPTY Suitcases... SO far soooo good.

Made sure I had outfits laid out for the kids for the next 10 days, threatened to divorce Bjorn if Eva's school picture outfit is messed with AT.ALL.
(yes I am talking to you...very involved MIL - who always feels the need to ruin Eva's adorable outfit with some x-tra, ugly, screen print t-shirt OVER. said chosen outfit.... or adding some crazy ass socks to a pair of sandals... DO NOT DO IT... or your son will be moving in with you!) : )

My gosh... I am really HERE (almost halfway home) ALONE.....

Have to admit I got a little teary this morning as Bjorn was dropping me off at the bus to the airport.... "this is going to be soooo being gone, I mean... alone... without y'all...."
He assured me that everything would be FINE.. they were going to have so much fun... they wouldn't even miss me... (Um, thanks...I think)

At Oslo airport I felt kinda lonely.... looking at everone going somewhere with someone....

Made it to Amsterdam... & must say I am kind of enjoying being able to sit here & have a beer & blogging in between flights without worrying about my kidlets.... I have a few hours to kill & Bjorns credit card... I am thinking I might be visiting the SPA...hmmmm...

All right y'all hope everyone is well... check in with y'all from TEJAS... Woo hoo...
Ciao for Now! T
swine flu symptoms


Astrid said…
When did they get a spa in Amsterdam, and why didn't I know about it??!! I'm so going with KLM next time I'm off to Norway! :)
Astrid said…
Oh, and Bon Voyage!!
Corinne said…
Have fun! Take some time to be single and kid free! (But not too much if yannowhatimean.) I'm a little jealous....
sues2u2 said…
You realize that you are secretly the envy of every mother out there? Traveling on an airplane ALONE? I haven't done that in years! 12 1/2 to be exact.

Have a wonderful time!!
Robbi said…
God reiser and have a great time!
Scary Mommy said…
Oh! Travel safely!!! And HAVE FUN!
Frizzy said…
Any time my hands are empty and my toes aren't being stepped on I feel like something is missing. It's even weird to look into the backseat if Nevaeh isn't in her car seat. Have fun and be safe.
Heidi said…
Do the spa! Enjoy your time, even though I would be a little freaked and missin' the family too. You are handling it well. Have fun in Tejas!
Anonymous said…
I sure hope your tirp is AWESOME and that your not to lonesome!...Be safe..shi~
Mammatalk said…
Enjoy Texas! Can't wait to hear all about it. Traveling alone....Wow.....heaven!
Karen said…
I hope your trip is wonderful. I love the warning to your MIL. I wish mine was still living so I could threaten such things. (She would have loved it. She was just cool like that.)

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