Butterflies in my belly... blisters on my hands...


In just a few days I will be on my way HOME...HOME...HOME...
Can I get a great big Woo HOO?

Going home is just like Christmas Eve for my kids... CAN NOT WAIT....

I have been bee-bopping my way around the office all week telling anyone who will listen I am heading home... (yes... I really do be-bop) I have had a couple of co-workers cock there head to the side & ask "HOME?" as in "isn't THIS your home?" Ummm...No... (sorry)
Is that weird? I have been here for 4 years & still don't think of Norway as home.... not sure I will ever be able to stop calling USA home... but who cares right?

(Norway has been getting better & better I must say... thanks to some good friends who keep me on my toes..)

So as excited as I am to go "home" my tummy has been doing flip flops.... I am going to be away from my babies for 10 days... I don't know what I as going to do with myself...

I am sure they are going to have a blast with Bjørn (we all know he is the FUN parent...) Pappa is taking the kidletts on a mini cruise to Germany for 2 days, so they have something to do while mommy is in America... but still.... I am going to MISS them...
I just need to stop thinking about my babies being here without me & focus on all of the time I will have in the US catching up with everyone...

*I am going to get to see my niece & nephew...(a year is way too long to go without seeing family)
*Time with my older sister, SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING...
(clothes for my Argentina trip)
*Catching up with classmates, some of which I haven't seen in 20 years. (can I just say I LOVED High School in Texas.... )

Kansas City
*Quality time with my mom & dad... Can not remember the last time I had even a day with them ALL TO MY SELF.
*Baby sis is flying in from Chicago (cause she can't stand me having time with my parents
A L O N E....I KID... I kid)
*Girls night out with all of my KC girlfriends
*Shopping shopping shopping (winter clothes for Norway...lets hope they have them out in the store)

A lot to squeeze into 10 days but I am pretty sure I will manage... : )

So, I looked down today & I noticed I had blisters on the palms of my hands...
I know it sounds weird... & why would I be telling you that? Because the blisters are from my serious WORKING out... 3 days this week at 6 am. WOO HOO... too bad I didn't start about 4 months ago... little late to make a difference for next weekends party (reunion) but as my super fit, beautiful friend told me... there will be another party... shes right, & besides I need to keep on keeping on for my trip to Argentina.. right..?

OK, so if I don't get a chance to write again before I leave, please keep me in your thoughts & prayers... (gulp...) the older I get, the less I like flying... nothing a few glasses of wine & a good book won't fix...

Ciao for now!

P.S. look to your left... like my super cool award for being in the top 100 Norway blogs? (do we have a 100 of us bloggers here in Norway?- ) Thank you to whoever it was who nominated me... I feel SPECIAL... : )


oh my goodness have a wonderful TRIP! i am sure that is so exciting!!!!
Kacie said…
welcome back to texas! It has been raining for a solid week and apparently next week is also supposed to be wet. Hopefully Austin is nicer than Dallas right now!
Frizzy said…
I'll tell you what you're going to do. You're going to enjoy every second at home. You're going to complet more thoughts than you can imagine. (I don't get to do that often with a 3 y/o.) Heck, you'll even get to finish ENTIRE conversations. It's wonderful! It was hard to be away from Yaya for 13 days while in Europe but oh how we needed that adult time. Have a blast my dear!
Sarah - Kala said…
Have a safe, wonderful trip home!!
Batgirl said…
Have a great trip home! Glad to hear the conversation with the teacher went well! :-)
PiNG aka Patti said…
You don't sound excited at all.. come on, show some emotion! :)
Anonymous said…
Have a great time!! So jealous of the shopping. Pick up some Tylenol Cold PM stateside. You'll sleep like a baby during full flight. And having a glass of wine on top couldn't hurt ;)

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