The Meeting...da da da dummmmmm

Thank you ALL for all of your wonderful/helpful suggestions & advice....

First I just have to say that I in NO WAY..think Dane is a genius... (Some of the people who reached out to me are parents to TRULY gifted kids....) Dane is SMART..& above average...but not on his way to University in the next 6 months...

So I had my meeting on Friday with Danes teacher & it went GREAT... she was absolutely LOVELY.

Right off of the bat she wanted to know what SHE could do for Dane to have a better experience.

Bjørn & I agreed that I wouldn't storm into the meeting insisting our child was a genius... but state the obvious... in English for example... he is bored out of his MIND....

I asked what Dane did during the 3 hours of English each week...

I was told that Dane was allowed to read anything he wanted while the other children did the lessons....

Dane is a LOT like his mamma... & likes to be in the middle of things... I explained that while it was a nice idea...(being able to read what he wanted..) he was being left out of the class...

WHY? wouldn't you use the opportunity of having a native English speaker? Why can't Dane HELP teach... or give book reports or let the other kids practice speaking English asking him questions? SERIOUS... they had never thought of that... (???) My first choice is that he be moved into 7th grade English... but if the class times don't work then at least let him be working on much more advanced work... AGREED... He came home with 7th grade work today. :)

His teacher agreed that he could work ahead & help the other students... : )

She also agreed to give me a report each week on how his week went...

GOOD WEEK =getting work done..concentrating, not disrupting the other students...

BAD WEEK= not doing his work, talking, disrupting the other students....

Dane has a really bad habit of singing/humming in class... like. all. of. the time.

his teacher even said she knows he doesn't mean to do it... however it does distract the other kids.

So every week we will be able to see if he was able to concentrate. If he has a good week... he will be rewarded... with the ultimate prize being.. 4 EXTRA weeks in the US with mormor & pepa (my parents)

Bad week... he loses TV /DS time... I think it is important that he knows WE support the teacher when it comes to him talking /goofing off not being acceptable.

The Janitor thing is OUT. Instead they wanted to know if it would be OK if Dane & another boy who also finishes quickly.. can go & work on projects & help foreign kids on their conversational Norwegian... umm, sure... as long as he isn't cleaning toilets & he is learning SOMETHING I am all for it....

All in all I am satisfied with the first meeting... & planning on being like I would if my kids were in school in the U.S. MORE INVOLVED... (lets show how we do things in the Good Ol 'US of A ... now if only I could coach American

I really like Danes teacher & I think she really likes HIM.. which makes a HUGE difference to all of us.

***Sorry I have been MIA... crazy week... including new laptop melting...(losing EVERYTHING again...- the laptop is only 2 months old...)

& Baby girl having a serious ear & throat infection...HELLO penicillin...

So as I will be housebound for the next few days, I am going to find EVERY single picture I can & BACK UP BACK UP BACK UP.... Ciao for now...


Oh I am so glad that the teacher was receptive to all your comments. I can't believe that they had not thought to "use" Dane. That janitor stuff?? Still baffling me!
Jill said…
Yay for good meetings with the school teacher - hopefully it takes some weight off your shoulders!

As for the illnesses - holy cow lady - everyone needs to get better soon!
I am so happy to hear that it went well! : )
Corinne said…
Whew! What a relief that went well! That little girl needs to get well soon. I say you deserve a big ol' honkin' glass of wine to celebrate a successful parent-teacher meeting! ;)
Ronda's Rants said…
I am glad that it went well!
I was always so worried when I had to go to a teacher's conference that I felt would be difficult and usually it went better than I expected!
Roxane said…
Im so glad your meeting went well! I can't believe they would give a child janitorial duties. That's insane!
sues2u2 said…
Yeah to some great news. Glad that you were able to get some things resolved w/o having to resort to violence. That's gotta help! *g*

So sorry about Eva. Hopefully the medicine will work quickly & she'll stop hurting.

What kind of laptop are you using? Forgive me for sounding rude, but I will completely avoid that brand!
Jemma said…
My god, I cant believe they were even thinking of that janitor crap!! How horrible! I am glad you got that sorted and all eneded up well with the English. I hope your little girl gets well soon!
Nicole said…
School. Ugh. I'm glad everything has been worked out. I'm curious, does Norway have a lot of red tape to deal with regarding students who have, say, dyslexia? Or are they generally accommodating? The public school systems in America right now pretty much have their hands tied under the no child left behind act, it's pretty frustrating for parents and teachers.
Yay lets celebrate :))))) when little princess is better of course......
LadyFi said…
Hurray - so happy it went well!
JT said…
That's awesome that the meeting went so well! And 7th grade homework and a little more conversational Norwegian has to be better than the alternative of scrubbing toilets!
Anonymous said…
i really can't believe they suggested he help out the janitor! So glad you found another solution.

Things here have been sooo busy w/school. On top I will start working soon... at the Radisson! When are you off to the US/South America? Would be great to get a coffee/beer some weekend soon. ;)

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