What a man wants....

WHAT does A MAN WANT...?

That is really my question... not a statement.

Bjørn is turning 40 in November... my old man is now going to BE an OLD MAN...
(no offense to those of you already heading down the other side of the hill.... I still have a year & a 1/2 & I am hanging on to everyday with dear life....)

I need ideas....

What the hell am I going to do for his FORTIETH?
We are going to have a party including his mother & rest of the family... he has requested a NORWEGIAN cold board (food )...I tried to talk him into TEX MEX & margaritas ...but it is HIS party... so I am going to have to do Norwegian... Fish & aquavit... mmmmmm

I need a GIFT idea.... something that says.... YOUR FORTY... YOUR OLD... but
I am still crazy about you.... Hmmmm.

A co worker suggested a gift card to the local home improvement store... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

A friend suggested a STRIP TEASE.. & vibrating panties... I think it would go a little like thissssss....

I need something SPECIAL.... I can not buy him anything... anything he wants he has...our goes out & buys....

For his 30th I had a kick butt surprise party for him in Norway (we were living in the US) with ALL of his friends growing up....

For his 35th, I "kidnapped" him... & flew him to Boston for a weekend to see Bob Dylan
his favorite musician)
So I have done the ticket/concert thing....

Romantic weekend away? Too much of a hassle with babysitter for the kids.... besides it would be as much for ME as for him... so that doesn't really count

I was thinking.... surprise him with a guys weekend in Dublin?! In the 14 years together I can't remember him ever having a "GUYS" WEEKEND.

...weekend away, for a total piss up... lots of drink & Irish Music... maybe set up a tour of the Guinness Factory or Whiskey tasting?

But I don't even know how to go about getting this set up...just start calling his buddies & his brothers & see if they are up for it? Book the trip & HOPE that it goes well with his work schedule? & then should I offer to pay anything other than a couple of rounds of drinks?

ideas? suggestions? MEN, (man...BB ) what do you think? What would YOU want? If the Guys weekend doesn't work... what can I buy him (while I am in the US) or do for him..(besides the pole dance/strip tease...... IDEAS IDEAS IDEAS....


That Dublin trips sounds fantastic!
Batgirl said…
Dublin trip sounds fab! They'd all love it, I'm sure! Just ask all his friends if they'd like to (you cover his stuff, they cover their own), and if they're game, set a date and ask his boss for the time off :-)
Anonymous said…
How about buying him a "star"?

Plus a telescope .... ( yeaes of family fun!!)

It can be done - I remember seeing it in an astronomy magazine.

Or try to find a wood carver and get a cedar fence pole with a carved face of the North Wind on it - for your garden :)

Good luck !!!
Have great trip !!
Brenda via Guelph
sues2u2 said…
The Dublin trip would be a great one! Let us know what you pick.
Mammatalk said…
Wow. You are creative. Can't wait to hear what you plan. 40 is nipping at my heels, too. Ick.
Jemma said…
My husband is turning 40 too and I am also trying to think of something cool to do. All the norweigans came down last year, so that isn't going to work. I am thinking about doing the same and whisking him away for a nice weekend somewhere. I'll keep checking back- I may borrow with pride if you get some good ideas!
beaverboosh said…
hey sweet thing I am already working on in it... give me a few days to compile the list... drop me a note on his 10 favy things in life / 10 things he hates (or 5 or whatever)... love the vid...hahahahahaha
S said…
The Dublin trip sounds really great. Or maybe if he's into football (soccer) a champions league game somewhere with the guys for a weekend.
Frizzy said…
First, that video is too funny! I can totally see that happening to ME!

As for a guys weekend. That's the perfect gift. Does he have a BF he hasn't seen in a while? Scott's college roommate is coming in Oct for a weekend w/o wives and kids. HE CAN'T WAIT to just hang with his buddy. Why don't guys do this more often w/o us encouraging them? I don't know what I'd do w/o my girlfriends.
Frizzy said…
Oh, do some prank gift shopping while you're in the states. Spencers must have something he doesn't.
Anonymous said…
Dublin is fantastic and only a wee plane ride from Torp to Dublin with Ryanair!

I did Dublin last year and there was so much to do. Stay in the Claremont Hotel ( Owned by U2's Bono) take a trip down Temple Bar with the Irish Dancers... it is a magical city ... other ideas bearing in mind I don't know your husband.

Flying Lesson? His and Her's matching Tattoo's?!
Anonymous said…
jaja sure!vibrating panties is a toy for feel the fire down there! jajajaj
Anonymous said…
I sent my hubby on a jet fighter weekend. Lessons and dog fighting, he loved it!

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