Welcome to Norway!

So we have a visitor from the U.S.... Kat's daughter sent Flat Stanley for a little visit to Norway.... (Flat Stanley is such a GREAT idea...)


Dane & I decided to spend the day showing Stanley around.... (I spend so much time MOANING about not being in the U.S. - I forget about all of the really cool things that are practically in our back yard....

First stop on today's tour... Begby Helleristninger

Begby's Major rock carving site. About 3,000 years old, (Bronze Age)with clear, well-defined carvings showing varied motives, among them ships with prows in animal shapes and a large human figure. Many of the carvings have symbolic religious significance.

COOL..NO? I have driven past this site for over 4 years & never stopped to see what it was... OK, WOW.. (I didn't realize how much I have missed exploring our surroundings)

on to HUNN....

HunnSeveral stone circles from the first centuries after the birth of Christ, most consisting of 13 stones.
Remains of funeral pyres and burial sites containing bones, among these two warrior graves from the Viking and Roman eras, the last named with a full set of weaponry including a magnificent shield, sword and spear, two silver decorated drinking horns, silver spurs, a gold ring and more.
Norways answer to Stone Henge? I dunno, but cool nonetheless..

Storedal Cultural Centre
The sound sculpture "Ode to Light" by Arnold Haukeland, accompanied by music by Arne Nordheim. Amphitheatre and study garden.The centre is specially adapted for those with poor eyesight, constructed on the site of Erling Stordahl's (1923 – 94) family farm in accordance with his own idea, on the very spot where Magnus the Blind was born.
What? You don't know who Magnus the Blind was? (ahem...neither did I...)
but thanks to google... was king of Norway from 1130 to 1135 ....

and finally on to GAMLEBYEN....

"Gamlebyen, the Old Town, is one of Norway´s most popular tourist attractions and without doubt the one attraction you MUST visit while in Fredrikstad.

Not only is the Old Town Scandinavia´s best preserved fortress town, but it is also a dynamic quarter of the city. Within the frame of its ramparts the Old Town´s cobbled streets will take you past buildings from four centuries, intriguing small shops with designer goods, arts and crafts, furniture, food and curiosities"

in the stockades....

Well, here is hoping Stanley enjoyed his first day in Norway...
Today we did the Iron & Bronze age... maybe before we send him back we can take a trip through the ICE AGE & lets hope Bjørn & the kidletts find some fun stuff for them to do tomorrow....


Awww!! Look at Stanley! I love where you guys have gone. I should have shipped my daughter off to you too since we are studying the Vikings right now :-)

Thanks again - so very much - for taking Stanley on tour. I can't wait for Madalyn to get home so that I can show her his adventures!
Sarah - Kala said…
I love Flat Stanley. I did this for my niece a few years ago when we lived in GA. My husband was home visiting us from an overseas tour and we trucked through TN and so on and took loads of touristy pics with his royal flatness. . . I think we even passed him on to a soldier heading overseas to Germany . . . pretty cool. Thanks for helping another kid out . . . it's fun to do, isn't it? Hey, send Stanley to HI. :)
Skogkjerring said…
I've seen similar ideas, someone sent a teddy bear once if I recall correctly. Very cute idea and I'm sure very educational! Stanely is definitely seeing things that perhaps not all tourist see which is great for the child wanting to learn through him!! Happy and safe travels Stanely!!
Corinne said…
Love love LOVE the Flat Stanley idea. Not only a great way for your niece and her class to learn something about Norway, but what fun for your family! Isn't this fall weather incredible? Stanley couldn't have shown up at a better time. ;)
JEDA said…
You did a better job of your Flat Stanly than we did of ours. We just took ours skiing and called it a day. Shame on me.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Flat Stanley is a classic!! We did these when I taught kindergarten MANY MOONS ago!! Except ours only traveled around the US! This is MUCH MORe exciting!
LadyFi said…
All that history is so cool!
What A Card said…
Wow, so neat! And glad you got to do some fun exploring, too!
Anonymous said…
I love Flat Stanley! We had a visit from him a few years ago and he did a lot of traveling :)
Anonymous said…
Cool! Flat Stanley has already been to Norway, but I think he was bored. You guys did cool stuff with him.

Betsy said…
What a great idea! I have a girlfriend who recently returned to Finland. Since I don't think we will get there anytime soon, maybe we will send her a Flat Stanley.
sues2u2 said…
What a great time Flat Stanley is having! And I'm so glad that you decided to share his "visit" w/ us. Too cute.
Maggie May said…
this is so sweet. my daughter Lola did this last year!
Mammatalk said…
Love Flat Stanley. So glad he had the chance to travel abroad. Hope his jet lag wasn't too bad! :+)
Nancy Hodson said…
Flat Stanley leaves another gift by getting us out into our own communities so that we explore and appreciate them--as great a gift as the learning that is shared!
Debz said…
Well it looks like you, Flat Stanley and Dane all had a great time.
And kudos to you for rediscovering your 'home'.
cat said…
Oh wow, Stanley is with you! I really really want to see Norway one day. Gosh, let's hope the rand gets bit stronger.
Andrea said…
Looks like you guys had a great time.
BenLand said…
what a cool idea!!! love that!

hope you enjoy your visit to the motherland...hahaha

have fun :)
Anonymous said…
What an awesome post!..good for you getting out and enjoying where you are instead of mopping!..Yea for stanley too!...
That is such a cute idea! I love it! And I love the circle of rocks thing! I never knew any of that stuff!
What a fantastic adventure this lucky Stanley had!!

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