Out of time....

I have only known for about a year I was going "Home" to Texas...for my 20 year reunion.. (how is that possible?)

In 12 very short days I will be on the plane homeward bound... & I have a million things to do.

Not only do I have to get everything in my office ready... I need to get everything ready for Bjørn to take care of the kids for 10 days without me...: ) Can you say WOO HOO?

The detailed shopping list I was going to have ready before I went?...not even started... well except Dane's wish list... Sloppy Joe Mix & Cheez itz..???

I have 10 short days in the U.S to see E V E R Y O N E 5 days in Houston & 4 days Kansas City.
(I am going to need a vacation from my vacation!)

3 days doing reunion stuff... CAN NOT WAIT... 2 days with my older sister....
4 days with my mom & dad all to myself... (can not remember the last time THAT happened)

So now y'all know why I am M.I.A....


Betsy said…
Hope you have a wonderful time! Hope you can schedule a few days off after you get home so that you can recover from you vacation.
sues2u2 said…
Have a great time! Enjoy shopping like crazy & visiting everyone.
Lori said…
Have a wonderful time!
That will be soo fantastic for you!!! I'm sure it will fly by. By the time you are done you will be ready to see the kiddos and hubs for sure!!!

Have a great time. I have been MIA also...but now I am back!!! Whooo Hoooo!
Have a great time! Are you bringing empty suitcases so that you can bring back delicasies such as cheezits and velvetta?

Oh...and has Flat Stanley arrived yet??
Frizzy said…
Take care of you and your crew. Then, enjoy your time alone no matter how crazy busy it is. Have a blast and if you want I'll be happy to help with your shopping list.

Is peanut butter something you need? How about pudding and jello? Ketchup? I know those were a few things that were difficult to get in Italy that were missed.
mom and dad all to yourself... Puh-lease! I'll be there too. hahahaha. I guess you were hoping I wouldn't be able to make it huh? Can't wait. Love you tons!!
ACR said…
Leaving the Dad with the kiddos for TEN DAYS?! Wow ... have a fab trip going back home and trying to squeeze in seeing everyone.
Cristin said…
awwwww. you're gonna have a blast!

looking forward to a detailed report!
So when you come back to the states for a visit, do you have an empty bag just for the things you want to bring back that you can't get in Norway?

Cheez-it's and sloppy joe mix are SO worth the $30 checked bag fee (then again, that a lot of cheez-its and sloppy joe mix....) : )
beaverboosh said…
sounds fab girl, enjoy! you will definitely need a holiday from you holiday!
Anonymous said…
goody, goody...what fun...America misses you I so sure!

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