An awesome night out... :-) Weekend wrap up...

Slade was pretty darn good last night.. never mind I only knew 3 songs..
 plus "Cum on feel the noize"
WHAT?  you had NO idea that Quiet Riot did a remake.- me neither.

Kept having a little giggle to myself thinking these guys have got to be pushing 65 or so...
looked just the same as in the 80's... of course I didn't have my glasses on & I am now almost blind as a bat.

Hubby and I had a total BLAST last night...
Never seen more middle age folks having so much fun...
I never think I will know anyone when I go out... but I was pleasantly surprised...  I ran into old neighbors/friends from when I lived here 15 years ago... Dane's "godmother" -(x sister in law) who hasn't seen Dane in ummm. 11 years..

Of course there are always promises made such as... come on over for a glass of wine...

We used to have so much fun with all of these people...
we had so much fun last night...
So why haven't we kept in touch with them... ?

Thats my mid - year resolution... start entertaining more & get back into contact with old friends...

One of the BAD things about living in a teeny tiny town.. although I don't know a lot of people in this town, most people know who I am... (because I am American)
I was in line for the toilet.. and some obvious drunk lady.. starts SCREAMING down the line...
SHE'S AMERICAN..... speak English to her... SHE's AMERICAN...
As the entire line turns to look at me.. what am I to do? 
I just did my *TA DAAA* hands & said
"That's right folks... How Y'ALL doing?"

It wasn't really a big thing... but this morning I started thinking HOW RANDOM?...
Can you imagine SCREAMING .-- OMG... she is from SPAIN..or EGYPT... or MEXICO?

No  idea who the lady was...but assume she must have kids that go to the same school... can't wait to see her sober... just need to think of something clever to say...

So that was the HIGHLIGHT of my weekend...
Although NOT pregnant...
I have been in total NESTING mode.. since returning from the states..
Finally ready to say GOOD BYE to the years & years of clothes I have been stock piling.. 
(hello HOARDERS)
I went a little CRAZY in the states shopping for MYSELF for the first time in YEARS... Yea me!
Loads of shoes... cocktail dresses... work clothes...  now I need to make room for all of my pretties.

Hopefully next week, I will be able to show you some of my SHOES... bought while I was home..
Outfits... hopefully I will be able to show you some of them  when I head to GREECE next month.. :-)

Only one month until I am GREECE... life is so good.  :-)

Hope y'all are having a fabulous weekend... time to get ready for the big week ahead.


rach said…
WOW!! I can't believe that woman did that in front of an entire line of people- I had to laugh though when I imagined you going "ta-da!!" I get little things that like as well- There aren't a lot of Americans here in Limerick and I work at one of the most frequented shops in the city. A lot more people know me than I know them and I often get recognized as being "the american girl" by plenty of strangers. I don't think I will ever find that not weird! I'm glad you had such a great weekend though!

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