Getting out of town...

I think that was the feeling of most people this past weekend....

It was time to let our shoulders sink, breath a little & spend some time with the ones we love most...

Last Monday as the skies began to clear, Bjørn grabbed the kiddos & headed out on the "new" boat...
no plan... just sail until they hit somewhere nice...

I finished getting caught up on work & met them on Friday after work....

They found a little slice of paradise just a couple hours across the Fjord
... in a little coastal town called HVASSER...   I knew it had to be pretty great if they were going to make me drive over to meet them, instead of them coming back to our side of the fjord to get me...

We swam... we played in the water for hours... we grilled... we climbed..we explored...
we played board games at night... we all snuggled up at bedtime... it was a very cozy weekend...

Me climbing rocks in flip flops cause the kids said it couldn't be done... :-)

My new favortie picture of Bjørn & Eva... (sigh....)


Anonymous said…
what a great trip out of town...these kinds of trips are certainly the best and always come at the most needed times :)
Gorgeous pictures it looks so peaceful and relaxing!
MoMo 2.0 said…
AWESOME AWESOME pics and it sounds like that weekend was JUST what you guys needed!
Jaymo said…
Looks like just what the doctor ordered
rach said…
your pictures are always so stunning!! I wish we got some of those amazing sunsets here in Ireland!

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