Ideas for dressing up this bad boy? ...

This is SOOO typical Tressa....
The coming week is the first time I set out on my own  doing the FALL Kick off  shows  with the new job...
I have been pretty excited as I will be traveling with a well known Oslo stylist/make up artist... 

I planned ahead & shopped like a mad woman in the US.. getting everything ready...
- told y'all I came home with 15 pairs of shoes... sigh...

Ya well, in typical Tressa fashion... I dropped a 50lb box directly on my big toe last night...

At least in birthing children... they gave me something for the pain...
not so lucky last night. 

After living here for 6 years I am still not sure how the emergency room works... 

As my toe continued to blow up and turn blue...
 Bjørn suggest getting his DRILL and drilling a hole through my toe nail to relieve the pressure & drian the blood...
No problem... he has done it loads of times while out fishing...
Yeah, Fisherman... maybe that's the way they do it in the old world... but there is no way I was going to let him get near my foot with his black n decker drill...
I decided to deal with it in my typical way..DENIAL...
& by taking nighttime cold meds.. to knock myself out. 

Woke up this morning & had to face the fact that there was indeed something wrong with the big piggy.

When seeking medical attention here.. there  is nothing SIMPLE...
First I had to go to my Dr... get a referral, then over to x- rays over at the hospital...
 then meet with a specialist...
Yep.. shattered the tip of my big toe...  doesn't sound like a big deal but it hurts like a bi-atch.

She said we were going to have to make a hole in my toe nail & drain the blood.. 
 ( I HATE it when Bjørn is right)
& then to get a "cast" on it..

Most ridiculous cast I have ever seen...
 goes around two toes...inside of my foot & then wrapped in a bandage..

Then I was free to go...   umm, but how?

How the heck am I supposed to walk on this?

So the question is WHAT THE HECK am I going to put on this foot?
I have to get up in front of groups of people & give presentations...

My husband & mother in law have suggested...
wearing one of his tennis shoes... a rubber boot with the toe cut out...  Hmmmm
at least if I was able to get a surgical sandal you could see there was something wrong.. & not just a crazy rubber boot lady..   Whaaaa...

Even if I get something for this foot what the hell am I going to wear on the other foot?  Sure as heck can't wear any of my great heels I just bought...


Anonymous said…
tressa!!!!! noooo!!!! no foot looks 100% fashionable with no toenail :) (BEEN THERE DONE THAT!).

i really don't know how to dress that up but if you're stuck with it, i would definitely try a flat boot on the other foot with maybe a tall sock? so bad at this because when i had a cast on one leg i just wore a flip flop on the other and it was totally appropriate for school (I was like 16)...but im not sure about work! UGH...i hope you find something....
Unknown said…
Me too! ;-( It better be all better by the time I go to Greece.. I have a formal event there & am NOT wearing a boot..or flats.. :-( Dr. said I may not lost the nail... crossing fingers
Frizzy said…
NOOOOOOO! That totally sounds like something I would do before my first day of work.

I have been out of the loop so I haven't heard about the job change and such. Sounds very exciting! Injured foot and all.
rach said…
ooooohhh no! talk about terrible timing! Did you get any open toed shoes? maybe with a low heel? it can be dressy and will worn with the broken toe? I really hope it feels better soon! (and I would NEVER let my husband near my toes with a black and decker either!)
Anonymous said…
I think you'll be healed faster than you know it! my sister had foot surgery and was back to playing sports within a month and from what i heard, it was quite extensive i am hoping your toe heals fast because you totally have to rock it in greece (and NOT in flats!).

and i am appalled at what you wrote on my comments about the lines and eva getting pushed by someone! totally inappropriate! and it is hard for me to get used to lack of manners here. i know it's just culture, but i have lived in other countries and i really haven't seen such a lack until here. im tryin got practice my norwegian skills with people and ive come to the conclusion im really good at saying "thank you" to people in norwegian...but NOT "you're welcome"...which means no one ever tells ME thanks :) sorry had to vent really quick :)

hope you have a great weekend and i hope your toe pulls off some magic!
Jaymo said…
That blows...just when you were ready to get all girled-up and pretty and rock em. Surely no one's going to look down on you for a cast! Just approach it like "hey, this is the situation, next slide please". Acknowledge it if you have to and move immediately to the message you're really trying to give them.
Kelly said…
Ouch! I think you should just suck it up and get a surgical shoe - unfortunately, you'll have to wear a sneaker or low heal sandal on the other foot. Don't try to shove that foot into a regular shoe, you'll just prolong the recovery (not to mention OUCH!!).

If you're wearing the surgical shoe, no other explanation is needed either....if you gerri-rig you're own version, you've just added another story :)

I feel your pain...I was in the walking cast for 6 weeks in the beginning of the summer - not fun or fashionable!!

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