WARNING... I am just like my mama...

Umm hmmm.. looks like we have hit the PRE TEEN years in all of their GLORY...
Can you just hear the SARCASM dripping from  my mouth??...

And I can just IMAGINE my mother having a good laugh... in her corner of the world... (at my expense)

I am not sure how old I was when I realized
my MOTHER was pretty much right about MOST things.
But she IS... & I know that..  and often sit and wonder how the hell she managed to raise
four..not. always. easy. children..
I have 2. PRETTY.GOOD. children & still wonder if I am going to drop the ball

I wonder how old my kiddos will be when they realize I am MUCH smarter than I appear,
 and just like my mother...
I am RIGHT pretty much most of the time.
I really do know what I am talking about...

I don't want to be a killjoy
... I really don't .. .
Just like my mama...I just want to keep my babies SAFE & HEALTHY & HAPPY..
and get them onto the next phase..

Just like my mama... I can handle pretty much anything.. just not being LIED to.
HELLO... caught you red handed...  yet you INSIST you are telling the truth..
(cause I NEVER did that...   - pay backs are hell)

Just like my mama... I am SNEAKY... 
oh dear children... you think you are sneakier than me? 
maybe, but for an old lady.. I am pretty damn sneaky...

doing things you were TOLD not to DO...

By the time I was 16 ..
I had figured out... I was going to be caught doing most things.
yet... I continued to do them... (shaking head)
WHY oh WHY... ?

And now I wonder why my children do not BELIEVE me when I tell them that I DO KNOW BEST.

But it was soo much easier raising kids in the 80's wasn't it?
 I mean really, what did parents back then, have to worry about?

Some of the worst things we did were making PRANK CALLS... 
we could spend the ENTIRE afternoon.. bugging people on the telephone..
We use to make tape recordings of using bad words... OMG...
OK.. and I stole candy once from QUICK TRIP... and got caught...

as  6th/7th graders... we were pretty innocent.. 
we didn't know much about ANYTHING..

The stuff our children are exposed to now... OMG. can make a mother (me) LOSE her mind,

Just like my mama....I like to kid myself & think I am on top of most things when it comes to my kids
knowing their friends.. where they are at all times...
limited access to computer/video games... (we didn't have this stuff)...

But then I think about all of the things
that I didn't get caught doing...

Sorry... just a MOMMY rant before I leave town for 2 days & let daddy take over...  ugh..


Anonymous said…
LOL!!!! I always thought I got away with so much when I was growing up only to have my sister recently do a spill all with my parents and my mom knew it ALL! (my dad didn't...haha, but my mom sure did!).

and i totally got in trouble for prank phone calls by the POLICE when i was younger. i didnt know someone my friend and i pranked had been received several from other people and they bugged their phone with the help of the police only to see my friend and i calling through trying to order a whale (the girl's dad owned a fish market). anyways, im terrified to ever even play a joke on my friends since then lol!!!

safe travels! excited to see you soon!
I hear ya....once I finally realize my Mom was pretty smart it was an eye opener now being a Mom I think I know it all....my daughter is so good at 17 no problems what so ever. I just found out she drank once with her friends I was shocked even though in my mind I did that too. I think it so tough to be a mom today and to be a kid today is even scarier! Hey you were on HGTV again last night!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Cannot tell you how often I open my mouth and hear my mother's voice come out. FREAKING SCARY!
lisa said…
This has nothing to do with your post but your Househunter episode was on again last night. This time however I talked back at the episode knowing what you mentioned before about the 'behind-the-scenes' stuff.

But all in all.... good fun. :) Hope you get a little somethin somethin each time it airs!

Lisa in MO.
Frizzy said…
Hmmmm your words sound so familiar to a conversation I had with my own daughter earlier today. She closed her bedroom door and thought I wouldn't think SOMETHING was up. Yeah RIGHT!

Granted her something was totally innocent. She was unpacking all the things I had just packed and layed out nicely for her camping trip tonight and was trying to play with her portable dve player. I DON'T THINK SO SISTER!

Anyway, I kindly reminder her we do not close doors in our house unless we're in the bathroom. I then asked her if she wondered how I knew she was up to something and she looked at me sheepishly.

I told her I used to do the same exact thing. Her eyes grew as big as saucers and her mouth fell open. "YOU TRIED TO BE SNEAKY TOO MOMMY?!" I couldn't help it and laughed like a crazy person saying, "Yes dear. Of course I did! So did grandma and grandpa and probably every other person on the planet!"

I pray she doesn't use my insider tip against me. LOL
Lizzie said…
wonderful post!

yes, my greatest fear... all the stuff i DID get away with!!! please o please Lord don't let them be safer and smarter than me!!

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