Favorite things... U.S edition

One of the first questions I get when I return from the states is...
How was it? WHAT DID YOU BUY?
Is the shopping really THAT much better..?.

Yes.. yes it is... you have no idea!  You really must come back with me next time. 

Some of my favorite things from my last trip to the states were....

Today was the first day I had to talk to one of my American BFF's here in Norway...
I mentioned that I had dropped a small fortune in Charlies... where she we replied
"Charming Charlies?  What's tha?t..."

Ooooo girlfriend...  you are missing out! 
 I assumed I was the last American to hear about the wonder that is  CHARLIE... 
but obviously Sara was the last to know.. :-)

I am usually one of those girls who plays it safe when it comes to accessories...   (meaning BORING)
but as my mother pulled me into the store... I nearly lost my mind...
Charming Charlie has an easy-to-shop layout based on color. Reds, purples, blacks, silver, brown, pink,..  Anything you could possibly want or need?-- THEY HAVE it.. at awesome prices..
I bought accossories for EVERY outift I bought,.. I have never felt so COMPLETE  (sigh)
now I just have to get all of my goodies ORGANIZED... I bought necklaces.. scarfs... rings...bracelets..   Can honestly say that this was one of the few stores that all of the girls... myself.. Eva 7 & my mom 70 could spend HOURS...

Another of my favortite places.... DSW Shoes...
Ohhh Baby... I hope I didn't freak the staff out too much with my daily visits...

Now don't start laughing... (Americans )but this whole REDBOX thing?---
 GREATEST idea EVER... (next to all of the accesories & miles & miles of shoes...)

You can rent a movie... from a redbox located...EVERYWHERE... grocery store... walmart... McDonalds for $1..  and can drop it off at any other  Redbox in the country...

So we were able to rent a movie in Kansas City - let the kids watch it in the car & then drop it off in Virginia..   GENIUS...


Frizzy said…
Very cool store! I haven't heard of Charlie's either. Glad you had a good time while you were home.
Anonymous said…
i havent heard of charlies *but it's probably a good thing i hadnt hahah* and i MISS dsw AND redbox!!!!!
All my favorites, too! Charming Charlies is quite possibly one of the best chain stores around. I'm not a big shopper, but man, can I get lost in that store!

Isn't Redbox just the greatest? And, you can 'reserve' the movie online, then just swipe the card and it dispenses. No need to stand and search for a movie.
Lizzie said…
ok the redbox thing scares me!! we used it once and it messed up and charged my card every day for a late fee for 2 weeks!! now i too have no idea about this charlie you speak of i must investigate!
Pastor Perry said…
My daughter would love this shoe store. Thank you for sharing and allowing me to come into your world. I would like to be a blessing to you each and everyday. Please share my site with so I may be a blessing to them as well. You can visit me at http://perrythepastor.blogspot.com/
Unknown said…
seriously. the shopping is 10298234 times better in the states and not to mention dirt cheap compared to over here. what a fun boutique!

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