Woo Hoo! Tonight at our neighborhood bar...

Playing tonight in our teeny tiny local watering hole..
.is SLADE... 
yes.. Slade... ummm. you remember SLADE?
perhaps I am showing my AGE now...
But I am kindda excited.

Every summer our little pub throws a bigg-ish SUMMER SHOW...

Alot of 70's-80's groups...

this is the first time I have been a little bit excited...

granted the ONE song I know takes me back to 6th grade...
But it is all good.. & can not remember the last time HUBBY & I went out to do something other a movie & a quiet dinner.
So as I am drinking my beer in my teen tiny town in Norway..
I will be thinking of all of my buddies from KINGWOOD MIDDLE school.. remembering my glory days..


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