365-34 In living color...

Feb.3, 2013

What a way to start a Sunday morning...

& just a note... this is the ACTUAL color...
just a quick shot on my iPhone...
as I hopped out of bed..

ran downstairs to put the coffee on...
and then threw my winter coat over my pj's..

Funny thing... my running off/out in my pj's
doesn't surprise hubby anymore...
"where ya going?"
"The DOCK.."

You have to move FAST here in Norway...
as the color will change in an instant...
Hope y'all had a COLORFUL weekend..


Susan Kane said…
You caught some real winners! What colors!
Those colours are amazing, worth jumping out of bed for and running outside.
Joyful said…
Fantastic photos.
By the way, you look very much like a woman I saw on a television show called "House Hunters". The episode was about an American woman and her husband from Norway who were relocating. Is that you? If it was, I enjoyed the episode and the house you selected.
Unknown said…
@jouful- yapp that is us. 😄 I have written a couple of posts about it.
kostas said…
Wonderful colors Tressa.
Have a nice day.
Amazing photos! Nothing beats a beautiful sunset/sunrise like this. Have a great week!
Joyful said…
Tressa, I am new to your blog so I didn't catch your other posts. But after I left my question, I see you are writing you love story. From the first part I deduced that you might be the woman in question. Blogging is a great hobby, isn't it?
Steffi said…
Fantastic photo,Tressa!Thank you for it and have a nice day!
wow! what wonderful colors! thanx for sharing your piece of heaven, tressa :)
Fitness Buff said…
Both shots are gorgeous.

My entry.
Laura said…
absolutely magnificent!

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