365-55 Lazy Sunday with my girl

Feb 24,2013

The AMAZING thing about living in Norway is the weather..
One day.. the sun is setting at 3pm.. and the sky is filled with heavy dark clouds..screaming the winter is here..to stay.. probably FOREVER...
and the next (week) .. you realize the days are long-er, we are headed to the best time of the year.

I am so blessed my daughter still thinks it is fun to wonder around our area.. looking for pretty things & fantastic sunsets..
and that is exactly what we did on Sunday..


Susan Kane said…
Such beauty and so well captured!
Anonymous said…
The pictures are great (as usual), and the opening paragraph was quite poetic.
Silje said…
That is so cool. I kind of ended up the other way. Raised in Norway (the south) and are now settling down in Utah with my american husband. From where in the US are you from and where in Norway do you live? From the pictures I am guessing north?
kostas said…
Very beautiful pictures!
Regards from a sunny and warm Thessaloniki.

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