This is my do over.. - Starting life in my 40 somethings..
Thank God for SECOND CHANCES and blessings.
365-51. Winter Break
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Not very exciting when you have to stay home for the break. But I will do my best to try to come up with a little something everyday.
Today- Frankenweenie in 3D
Hey you, Hungry butt!!!! .... First thought that played through my mind as I stood behind the woman in the GREY SWEATPANTS in line at the post office..... Hungry Butt is what my little sister & her friends say when referring to what in my day, was called a WEDGIE ..... "Hungry Butt" just fit the large bottom , which was gobbling its underwear in front of me.... Ugh.... the sight of her butt was burning into my mind as I waited in the ridiculously SLOW line at the post office.... No longer able to stand the site... I put my boxes down... and did the neighborly thing.... I pulled her underwear out of her butt.... You should have seen the SHOCK & SURPRISE on her face ... Ummm , OK I didn't do that... I tapped her on her shoulder & in my best AMERICAN accent announced to her & the rest of the post office... that she had the picture perfect HUNGRY BUTT... cause it was gobbling everything in sight... K... I didn't do that either... I just stood...
Mortified Monday..... Lets all share our mortifying moments.....OK... anyone want to play? If so...get your moment posted, leave me message & I will link back to you... I just thought we could all start the week off with a little laugh.. & so much the better when it is at somebody else's I right or am I RIGHT ? I have a LOT of very MORTIFYING moments... most of them having to do with my oldest child...god bless him... he is so much like his momma (especially when it come s to the big ol ' mouth.) I remember being a child & my mother telling me that one day she hoped I had a child just like me... & guess what? I got him... OK, one of my MOST MORTIFYING MOMENTS took place about 4 years ago when I was very pregnant with Eva... Dane had just turned 5, & had wondered out of our front yard. I found him hanging out down the street at the neighbors house. Just picture .... the perfect little" nice" family... they were all in the driveway buil...
Sunday... FUN-DAY, Another family day.....
Because we had such nice weather, (never knowing how long it will last) we decided to take another family hike.... (2.5 hours....) around the be ach.
It is funny, each week, each hike, I see changes in our family....less whining (on my part) & more time learning, enjoying our time together....Bjørn who usually gets irritated with all of my picture taking, is stopping to find things to take pictures of...appreciating colors, nature etc.
Dane is less squeamish...touching & picking up all of sorts of things he finds along the hike....
Today we learned about Jettegryter
or "Stone Pots" these huge rock formations from the ICE AGE .... pretty cool... these holes are formed by pebbles/gravel being aggitated by water, over thousand of years.... WOW..The holes on our local beach date back to 15,000 years....
the kids had a blast.... & wanted to stay much long...