365-49 Fredrikstad by night

I had forgotten how nice Fredrikstad was at night time..

I don't go out in the evening very often during the winter..
and getting a "night shot" in the summer is pretty close to impossible.
it just doesn't get dark enough.

I decided to grab my camera & see if I could get a couple of shots.
.. I thought I could use this as a learning opportunity.

Lesson one.. Hard to take photos when it is MISTY.. 
- next time I venture out.. I think I will wait until the sky is clear,,

Lesson two. - fantastic time to take out the tripod sill in it's box


Joyful said…
I love mist so I like that photo ;-) It is actually darker there than I would have thought. Is it dark for a few hours at night and then mostly twilight?
Anonymous said…
You've captured the light beautifully... yes, yes! Dig out that tripod... :-) Mist and fog can create some dramatic scenes... thanks for sharing with me on G+!
Robbi said…
First picture is gorgeous!


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