Holiday Road....

Must admit, I feel like Chevy Chase today. It was like a scene out of European Vacation.
I piled the kids into the car & set off across Germany to see where my family got their name bla bla bla

I have always wanted to go there- dreamed of it as a child - I told the kids as we drove on & on

What I didn't count on was that there was more than one WESTERHOLT Germany.

So after a 4 hour car ride in the pouring rain, with the kids screaming Drive Faster, Drive Faster because we were on the Autobahn. We arrived
ummm ya. Not the WESTERHOLT with the castle. Nope the one with two street lights.
You should have seen Dane's face as the tears came rolling down mine. I don't remember the last time I have laughed so hard. Poor me


Kelli Nørgaard said…
OMG We have so many of these types of travel stories!!! :-) It's called MAKING MEMORIES! lol
Shauna said…
What a fun adventure!
Sara Louise said…
It must have felt really cool to arrive there :)
Lynn Proctor said…
sounds like you all had fun, that's what's important :)

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