time flies... fall break

Holy smoke... where does the time go?

it is first of October & I still haven't caught up from the summer.

if I don't get my tail in gear... I will already be on my next adventure.. 
& NEVER be able to catch up! :-(

I have been working like a CRAZY woman...
I keep promising hubby, that things are going to slow down..
(yes, like I keep promising y'all I am going to catch up on my blog.)

I probably seem like a big,fat, liar at this point.

I can't even tell you where I have been over the last 2 weeks...
- but pretty much all over the South of Norway.
I have two more days- until I head home
(for about 10 hours - & sweep the kiddos off for a long weekend in Germany)

Yes.. me & my fantastic ideas... sounded like a good idea at the time...
but after driving over 1500 km this week... the thought of driving through Norway,Sweden,Denmark to Germany in ONE day... is sounding a little less appealing.

Baby girl may not be that excited either.. at the moment she is on a road trip with her bestie & parents down in Copenhagen..
just like her mama... lol

So the plan is both Eva & I  will return Tuesday. Eva from Denmark, me from Southern Norway.
We are going to pick up big brother - and head off to Germany.
... one of the best reasons for living over here.. you can hop in your car & go through 3 countries in an afternoon.
Dane is taking German this year in school  - & I thought I would give him a chance to show off for me.
(yes, after about 3 weeks of German - we will see how he does. lol)

The kids are on their fall break. & as I have a few days off at the end of the week.. I thought I would be brave and take them on a road trip... all by myself... (eek)
Sure... I have traveled back and forth to the states with them by myself..
but never on a random road trip.. with no plan..
am I crazy? - or am I the cool mom - making memories?

The only plan we have right now.. is to head to the town (same as our last name) where my father's family is from...
I have always wanted to go there...
and when I was living in Germany as a poor student  - I couldn't afford to get there..
(OK... I probably could have... but I decided to go to Amsterdam instead) ..

Cross your fingers for me.. that the kids think the trip is fun..

Westerholt Castle...looks lovely,  - hmmm... I wonder if I can reclaim it?


Sara Louise said…
I think you should storm the castle and reclaim it as yours!
Have fun and safe travels :)
Driving through Norway,Sweden,Denmark to Germany in ONE day is kinda like when I travel through Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Satten Island in one day...never fun Lol , Norway looks a bit more scenic though, Cheers ;-)

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