One my way to the airport... but I just had to SHARE this...
Look what Eva spotted in our backyard this morning...

Man, that kid has a good eye.   She ALWAYS runs in to Moose... - me - not so much...
I have never been this close..
So instead of driving her to school right away.. I throw on my Wellies... - yes with my PJ's .. and start trying to get a good picture---
All the while trying to figure just how fast I can run through the mud, if mama decided she wanted to charge...
As they build closer & closer to our house... I am uncertain of how many chances like this I may get...
Just wanted to share... 

Now I have a plane to catch...  17 hours to Thailand.. UGH... wish me luck!


Sally said…
Brilliant picture. Good luck on your travels.
Joyce said…
Fantastic! Safe travels!
MommyLisa said…
My daughter always spies our neighborhood fox. Yes we have red fox that roam our urban neighborhood. ;) And my dad had a coyote cross his path on his walk the other morning. THAT made me nervous but he said the coyote didn't even pay attention to him.
Very, very cool!
Have a safe trip!
Sara Louise said…
The mama was probably like, "that's lady in the pj's and wellies looks nuts!" :)
H. Bratset said…
That's pretty amazing! Right in your yard? Every time I'm in Norway, I say, "this is the time I'm going to see a Moose." Never happens. I've read stories about Moose getting drunk on fermented berries and acting out...beware of drunken Moose!!!

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