In the midst of a SHIT day...

Yesterday was ONE.OF.THOSE.DAYS.
just an ABSOLUTE shit day..
Working too much... traveling too much.. putting up with crap from a spoiled brat diva...
missing my kids.. and trying to find the balance as I get in the car for another 12 hour day...

I stopped about two hours into my drive to get a drink...

upon returning to my car I noticed something in the FLITH on my car.
(no, I haven't had time to clean my car...or my house...)

I love you...  Have a NICE DAY...

Yep... I had to take a picture of my car in front of all of the construction workers...
and then I got all teary
 - had to throw myself into the car before I started with an full blown UGLY cry...

Not sure what I did to be blessed with my two wonderful babes...
but it must have been something good.

I am so blessed.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend... I will be spending it with my kiddos...


Anonymous said…
that's a nice message to find in filth...
Shauna said…
It's always nice to find a beautiful message in midst of the dirt. Happy weekend! xx

Unknown said…
thanks ladies! - I agree.. really made my day & a good excuse not to wash my car. LOL
Travel Bugs said…
Great blog! Thanks for visiting my blog. It's amazing you can upkeep so many blogs at one time. I have already problem to update one :P.Have a wonderful day!
Sara Louise said…
Little sweethearts :)

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