Another one bites the dust.....

Yes...another computer bites the dust... my laptop this time.... 2nd computer in 3 months...
Did I back up all of the kids videos on the laptop? Noooooooooooo... baby pictures? Noooooooooooo

Bjørn is now convinced that I am a COMPUTER KILLER..& he may be right...

I am just S I C K.....

I am not allowed to be on HIS work laptop in case i get the urge to STRIKE AGAIN...

I am sooo bummed.... hopefully Bjørn can get an IT guy from work to look at my little baby, if not I may not have a computer until after NEW YEAR.... (once again a thought which makes me SICK...) My laptop is like my left arm.... I sleep with it... (I use my earphones to listen to my HYPNOSIS thing as I drift off to sleep...down 11 lbs) Roll over as soon as the alarm goes off to check in with work, I have my life line to the US an (American telephone line) on that baby...
& of course all of my online shopping... which I was going to do this weekend for all of my nieces & nephews.... CRAP.....

So if I am am seriously MIA, you know where I am.... I hope you will wait for me.....

HAPPY HOLIDAYS.... (just in case!)


Simple Answer said…
Can't be without my Internet. Maybe there is a killer Christmas sale with a fantastic laptop they are practically giving away?

11 pounds? At Christmas time? Shut-up. You go girl!
Skogkjerring said…
I'm with Simple Answer- 11lbs at Christmas- GET OUTTA HERE!!!! HURRA for you honey!!!

Dear lord, I couldn't be without my computer- I'd be out there screaming CHARGE it in order to get a new one if need be...some things are just worth getting ones self in debt over...and this life line (internet) is one of those.....
Hope you're back before the holidays with a brand spankin new computer- we just got an acer 5920 and are very pleased with it so far.
MsTypo said…
A new computer (and backup portable harddrive) would make a great christmas gift! Start dropping hints now so that your husband has plenty of time to shop. :p

Congrats on the 11 pounds!!! :) :)
Debie Napoleon said…
Dell is having some great sales - just in case. and BTW great job on that 11 lbs loss. Can you send me that tape! lol
sues2u2 said…
Total Bummer! Just remind hubby how much happier you are when you have your lifeline!

Hope it works out quickly I've missed your posts!!!
Lizzie said…
oh no! that sucks, seriously i know how you feel. and do i ever learn to back up things? NO, and every time i say "i swear i will backup all the pictures of the kids, i promise!" and i never do... hope your laptop can be fixed.
Frizzy said…
That sucks for sure. I'm sorry to hear this aweful news. I don't know what I would do w/o my computer either. Hang in there. Of course we'll be here when you get back.
MoMo 2.0 said…
I think you should have put the ELEVEN POUNDS in HUGE TEXT! I am so proud of you!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh no! I couldn't live without my computer.

Congratulations on the weight loss - that's awesome!!
You must not be sneaking any of the good stuff, very very brave of you.

I'll be checking in, hopefully you'll be back soon!
Cammie said…
oh, you might as well take a lung from me before my computer.....
Oh my goodness! Girl I would go insane!!! No computer....crap!

11 lbs though...WOW congrats to you!!! I'm jealous!

I'll be checking in....hurry back!
Oh no :(. Are your pictures gone forever?! I still get sick to my stomach when I think of all my lost pics :(.
Anonymous said…
Oh - that stinks! Hope you get it sorted out soon!
Debz said…
My goodness. You are not allowed to borrow mine. Sorry.
Jill said…
I'd go out of my mind without a computer and internet... what a pain in the tush!

Awesome on your weight loss! I'd lose a ton just stressing over my computer issues!
KimmyJ said…
Awww, so sorry to hear about this! Great job with the 11 lbs. I need to asked for hypnosis tapes for Christmas, I think!
Oh no!!!!!!! That sucks! But you know we will wait for you, of course! :)
Mary Ellen said…
My internet was out for a couple of hours during our recent ice storm, and I thought I might die!

I am thinking positive - the IT guy will fix it. It will be a Christmas miracle!
Hey whenever your "baby" is back, check this post for Amy B.

We're trying to encourage her from bloggyland. Thanks.
Mammatalk said…
From one internet junky to another...Oh,no!
Tiff said…
You go girl...11 pounds...yay!!! I so need to get this tape! Hate you killed your computer..but you did remind me that I really need to back up my pictures..thanks for that! :)
Anonymous said…
remove the hard drive and hook it up via usb to another pc your files are still there
Rebecca Jo said…
that's my fear - to loose all my pictures....
hexe said…
Hope the pictures can be saved from the computer! Great job on the loss of 11 lbs. Hope Santa brings you a working computer!
Ash said…
Oh man - I'm sooo sorry. Amazing what technology becomes completely essential.

I'd cry if my computer died. And my DVR.

Congratulations on the 11 pds!!!

Candid Carrie said…
I will wait right here.

I heard rumors about your computer leading a permiscuous (sp) lifestyle when you weren't looking.

Regardless, I will wait right here for you.
Ok, dont make us send out a crew looking for you! Come back to us soon :)
Khadra said…
I was MIA last week because my computer was dead too.

I hate that I am so unable to live without the internet. Remember when we didnt even have cell phones or microwaves and now we cant live without email??!!

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