Oi! What a week...

I live.... but what a CRAZY week....
Had the (not so) crazy Christmas Party... & after 3 hours of sleep, my big meeting with the German office & a 10 hour work day... (I know now that I am no longer 20)
Will have to fill you all in, in the morning...hopefully I will be able to post a picture of the new do, although it isn't drastic...just not a BAD hair cut.. yippee, finally...
Just wanted to let y'all know I am still kicking.. : )


I figured with the holidays many woman will be slow at blogging.

I have been....I'm busy making homemade gifts!

Hope it gets better!
Debz said…
The realization that we no longer have the stamina for all nighters or 10 hour workdays can hit ya like a ton of bricks. And hurt as badly the next day.

When you come up from under it all, we'll still be here.
Anonymous said…
Glad you're still there!
glad you're back... take it easy though... you're making even me tired! :)
Gutsy Living said…
Lack of sleep is the worst. I find myself sleeping more as I get older, not less. Hope the meeting went well.
Unknown said…
Oh gosh do I hear you on the no longer 20!!! Hope things get more relaxing for you soon.
MsTypo said…
A big meeting on only 3 hours sleep?! Power to you, there's no way I could do that.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
you sound like Mads after he came home from his office Julefrokost... those 8 to 10 hour long parties with SNAPS toasts every half hour...lol.
He said he realized he is getting too old for the Julefrokost! LOL

hope you get some rest this weekend!
What A Card said…
Oh, busy, busy! Take care, and can't wait to see the pic!
Can't wait to see the do! :)
binks said…
I feel the same way. Been a crazy month with no relief in sight. Hope your weeks get better!
Jill said…
Glad to see you're still around... look forward to seeing the hair photos and hearing what's up in your life!
Tiff said…
Oh girl...I know the feeling of knowing you are not 20 something anymore...I feel it everyday!! Glad your big meeting is over and your hair cut worked out for the best for you!! :)

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