If it smells like farts.....

Sooo, as I go down to the basement get some food out of the freezer last night...what do I stumble upon?

A bag with our Christmas dinner.... 2 turkeys & a large ham.... sitting BESIDE the freezer... completely thawed...

When Bjørn arrived home, I asked if he had taken the stuff out of the freezer? Hmm? NO... Oh, maybe he had on Saturday night.... But it was probably still OK... (I could see him calculating how much the 2 birds & pig had cost him...about $100...this is crazy expensive Norway remember...& wondering if they could be saved)

I insisted that they would have to be thrown away... yes our unfinished basement is COLD...but not the COLD... hubby did the only logical thing... he called his MOTHER.... during his conversation I hear him repeat the advice his mother gave him...

"if it smells like farts...don't eat it...." (in case you are wondering...NO I do not make this crap up.... MIL & I come from 2 VERY D I F F E R E N T worlds.....)

"if it smells like farts" I heard Bjørn say to himself as he walked back to the kitchen & proceed to SMELL the Turkey.... finally he asked me opinion.... I too gave it a sniff...
"yep, smells like farts to me...."
With a heavy heart & sigh...Bjørn acknowledged that his Christmas dinner was going to have to be thrown away... he then admitted that he wasn't sure it had been in the freezer at all...

I doubt I will EVER ...Ever FORGET the method my MIL uses to determin if food is still good...If it smells like farts.... Boy am i glad I will be doing the cooking this year...

"Happy Little Christmas Eve" as they say here in Norway...


sorry to hear about the Christmas dinner. Miss you tons and wish you could be home this year. It won't be the same without you guys. xoxo
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LOL!! That is hilarious.

Sorry the dinner didn't turn out.
Skogkjerring said…
Oh my gosh, TWO turkeys AND a ham??? Guess it will be Grandiosa for Bjørn now and a new turkey for you and the kids???
Hope you guys have a great holiday and yes, hope we get the chance to meet next year sometime!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness!! That is terrible! And farts huh? Im gonna have to remember that!! hehehehehe

Merry Christmas!
Linda Sue said…
while in Norway we kept seeing street signs that said FARTS DEMPERE- I thought that you were only allowed to fart in designated areas...
So sorry about your turkey! The Ham should be OK though- It takes pig longer to decompose, heatening thought.
Have a Jolly Happy whatever anyway.
Scary Mommy said…
Oh, my God that is the most disgusting and hilarious thing. I'm going to be sharing that story for sure!!! Have a nice Christmas dining on something better than that, I hope!!!
jewelstreet said…
That stinks about the dinner! But, I will always tell the man and the kid now if it smells like farts...

That's hilarious! Hope your holiday goes well after this though. ;)
scargosun said…
I am going to make a fridge magnet that says that. I bet I could sell them too. ;)

Whatever you guys have for Christmas dinner will be wonderful!
That is hilarious!!!!!! My mom always does the "sniff the milk" test even after the expiration date. I mean, ew. Let it go but according to her "just smell it and see." Gawd.

Happy Little Christmas Eve to you!
Anonymous said…
I'll try to remember not to eat turkeys or ham that smell like farts.

Merry Christmas
Oh, no. My husband does the grocery shopping. And once he put something on the roof of my car while he was getting other stuff out. And forgot it there. Yuck. And vile. I didn't have to get too close to know that it smelled horrid.

But, I so cannot imagine my mother saying such a thing. My MIL. Well. We come from different worlds, too. And I can totally see her doing that :-)
My friend, you are too funny. I will also use this method as a test for future meals. Happy Holidays to you and yours, Red Shoes
Mammatalk said…
Fabulous advice! I will remember that one. LOL!
Julie H said…
Sad that you lost your food but that's too funny!
Sarah - Kala said…
Geesh, that's funny and it stinks at the same time! I always ask that, "Does it smell like farts" because that's my determination outside of saying what I learned in high school cooking classes: when it doubt, throw it out.

Merry Christmas! God Jul!
Oh that sucks having to throw it out!

If it smells like farts, huh...interesting!

Did you get another Turkey and Ham?
Mary Ellen said…
I never realized it before today, but I guess I already have a "Don't eat it if it smells like farts" policy. Who knew?

Merry Christmas from snowy Maine.
Khadra said…
Merry Christmas :)
Sorry about your fart-y dinner.
Anonymous said…

Hope you had a fart-free Christmas!
Anonymous said…
If it smells like farts... Seriously??

Laughing to hard to think of anything else right now...
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I cannot wait until I get the chance to use that one... If it smells like farts......

glædelig jul fra Danmark!
Anonymous said…
hey aunt TT

its me tyler our turkey didn't smell like f---- but Jenna
did! miss U!!!!!
Ritch in Love said…
I am SO picky about food and how long to keep it. I would have said it smelled like farts NO MATTER WHAT! lol! My husband tells everyone I can smell bad cheese a mile away. It's true. I can also smell when someone farts a mile away....misery.
WheresMyAngels said…
I cannot stop laughing. Course, I would be killing him if I was you. Maybe you could of cooked him for Christmas. Course, maybe you did and that is why you haven't posted in 6 days. What are the prisons like there?lol
Cristin said…
That is totally hilarious and a perfectly reasonable rule to live by...
Jen said…
that is too funny. I am so going to have to remember that one.
Lizzie said…
i am so glad you guys threw that food out, food poisoning on Christmas would mot be fun
Tiff said…
LOLOL...Love this!!! I will have to use this sometime!! :)
The Rambler said…

I'm so gonna have to remember this line for sometime in my life :)

Visiting from SITS.

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