Norwegian Mother update....

Oh thank you for the sweet comments...
I will be honest, I know as a mom, I pretty much ROCK... I am far from PERFECT... but I try to let my babies know everyday how much they are loved, & wanted... & I think MOST times I can be pretty FUN & COOL...

But some days....being a mom is hard... especially in a foreign country. really my problem is that i even give a crap what people think about me NOT being Norwegian or that I do & think different....
this teacher today...was the SAME teacher who made the comment that the
WORLD should be allowed to vote for the president of the United States..... She just BUGS me... & I try to get in & out as quick as I can when she is in the hall...

I am not sure but I am thinking she is NOT Norwegian.... I seem to detect some sort of slight accent... I will have to check that out... Like I said this morning, maybe she thinks she is HELPING me... with her "suggestions" but it just bugs me....

In other news...i made a hair appt. for tomorrow.... we all know how well it turned out LAST time... I looked like HE -MAN Master of the Universe...

I would like to get my hair cut like Jenny's...

random fact of the day: a bunch of my sorority sisters went to HS with JM & I remember the day her playboy cover came out... everyone went out to buy it... (Lord I need to get out of the house before I bore you all to death!)

This should be a pretty easy cut NO? Cross your fingers for me!


that would be cute!!! good luck you good mommy you! cheers!
MsTypo said…
A blunt bob like that would look great on you! :)
Skogkjerring said…
Oi, that's a great cut, I've thought about something similar myself, but think I'll see how long I can handle the long hair before I say OFF with it all, damn blasted!!!!!!
I'll bet your teacher is Norwegian, they are self appointed know-it-alls, not all of them, but a lot of them. I've just learned to turn a deaf ear to those who seem to know it all, smile and be on my way!!!
Lizzie said…
good luck! i need a haircut SO bad. new town, don't know where to go... this could get ugly. (i'm scared)
Khadra said…
youre not boring me, come to my blog I spent a whole post on pee.
Anonymous said…
Who is JM?
Is that the girl in the pic?
Anonymous said…
LOL to Anonymous... ;)

I think the hair is SO cute! You have to post a pic when you get it done!!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
My daughter got this same cut this summer and it looks AMAZING!!! She loves it... so good luck! And yes, we want pics!
KimmyJ said…
My sis got this cut and she LOVES it - she went from very long hair to this and she was worried at first, she said she got more compliments than ever before after the cut!! Can't wait to see it! Hang in there my American SITSta, AKA Kick @ss mom!!
Mammatalk said…
Oh, a great cut. It will look fabulous on ya!
And, the whole world vote for the Prez? Sure, if they wanna help pay some taxes. Ouch!
Ash said…
Oh, I love that cut! And you and JM have similar shaped faces - you should look smokin'.

What better revenge - being a fantastic AND hot mom?

That is my most favorite hair cut in the world. I had it when I was prego with my first and now with my second. It's pretty easy to take care of and in my oppinion I could let it grow without getting it cut again for a while.

I think it will look great.

I've not really liked too many teachers so far. Even though my son is only 4. I really didn't like his preschool teacher. She kept telling me he had a behavior problem so I took him to the doc out of major worry and took his advice and she said she didn't agree with the doc. Well as far as I'm concerned that's between me and the doc. Teachers think they own you and your kid sometimes. It makes me so mad.

And no the world shouldn't vote for the president. Don't agree. It makes me mad that she said that. She sounds like an arogant person to me. I can see why you avoid her at all cost.

Hang in there. I hope it gets better for you.
Anna Lefler said…
OK, I think you might need to tell your "teacher" that we have our own pageant here in the US where we wear hideous clothing and say all kinds of crap that no one in their right mind can understand and it's called NASCAR, lady!

So sniff on THAT with your funky chunky blue wool knits and step off with your sad, unwanted parenting advice because my crazy blogger friend Anna is waitin' outside in the truck and it was all I could do to keep her from comin' in here and moppin' the floor with your nasty DIY frost-and-tip.

Now good day to you, Madam.

[Sorry. That slipped out.]



PS Love the haircut. It will look smashing on you. Can't wait to see a pic.
so cute! just stopping by to say hi. Hows the weight loss going?
Julie H said…
Cute hair do. I have been thinking about doing the stacked shorter in the back but kind of like that in the front. The other day we were watching TV and Dh said he hated someone's hair and it was the haircut I was thinking of getting lol.

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